The University Record, February 27, 1996
Sarah Goddard Power Awards go to Gage and Goldenberg
By Rebecca A. Doyle
Lois N. Gage, professor emerita of nursing, and Edie N. Goldenberg, dean of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts (LS&A), will receive the Sarah Goddard Power Award on March 13.
The award ceremony, scheduled for 3:30 p.m. in the Hussey Room, Michigan League, is open to the public.
Sponsored by the Academic Women’s Caucus, the award “honors and recognizes those individuals who have contributed to the betterment of women through distinguished leadership, scholarship or other activities related to their professional lives.”
Gage, whose research on nursing roles pursued such varied topics as community health, international nursing and various cultural attitudes to topics in mental health, will be honored for her contributions to the field, which are described as wide-ranging, selfless and constant.
At the U-M, Gage used her international experience and multi-cultural approach in her role of counseling women students, junior faculty, professional nurses and colleagues. Her expertise in international community health, while it led to her receipt of the Mental Health Section Award of the American Public Health Association, also benefited her colleagues and students both in the classroom and through her ability and willingness to help others in global networking efforts.
Goldenberg will be honored for her pioneering roles, for her championship of women, and for her contributions to higher education and political science.
Goldenberg was the first woman to direct the Institute for Public Policy Studies and the first woman to serve as dean of LS&A. In those roles at the U-M, she has helped make tremendous strides for women, seeking to in crease the representation of women among faculty and students and encouraging women to become involved in shaping the organizations in which they serve.
Nominators noted that the word “first” embodies the accomplishments of Goldenberg in higher education, political science and in the sponsorship of women in influential roles in the University as well as in higher education as a whole.