CCRB incident under review

The University Record, February 27, 1996

CCRB incident under review

Described by President James J. Duderstadt as “a series of unfortunate events,” a Feb. 17 incident involving a University administrator and officers from the Department of Public Safety is being reviewed.

As of Record presstime late last Friday (Feb. 23), there was no word on the status of the review.

John Matlock, assistant vice provost and director of the Office of Academic and Multicultural Initiatives, had been invited to judge an event sponsored by the Black Volunteer Network at the Central Campus Recreation Building (CCRB). Matlock is an adviser to the group.

Matlock arrived at the building around 11 p.m. Shortly before that, the Department of Public Safety had responded to an emergency call from a CCRB staff member expressing concern about overcrowding in the building.

When Matlock attempted to enter the building a series of events unfolded that culminated in his being handcuffed and taken to DPS headquarters.

In a statement issued Feb. 20, Duderstadt noted that he has “worked closely with John Matlock for the past seven years and hold him in the highest regard. He is a valuable leader of the University of Michigan. He has worked tirelessly, enthusiastically and creatively for the University.”

Of the investigation, Duderstadt said: “Although I have great respect for the efforts of the Department of Public Safety in providing a safe environment at public events, I want to be certain that all parties get a fair hearing.

“For this reason, I have asked that there be a complete and impartial investigation of these events, since exactly what occurred is currently under dispute. I believe that the best course is to ask for an investigation by an outside agency. To be sure that the investigation is conducted as fairly as possible, we have asked—with John’s concurrence and the concurrence of the Department of Public Safety—for an investigation of the circumstances by the Michigan State Police.”

Duderstadt also asked the student/faculty/staff Police Grievance Committee “to look into these events and provide me and the University community with a full report.”

“I hope both reviews can be conducted quickly so we can provide all parties involved and the University community with a full report.”


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