The University Record, December 12, 1995
New responsible use guidelines issued for computing
The Information Technology Division (ITD) has issued a new set of guidelines called “Guidelines for the Administration of the Proper Use Policy of the University of Michigan: Responsible Use of Technology Resources.” They expand on the “Responsible Use of Technology Resources” statement issued last spring, which replaced the long-standing “ITD Conditions of Use” statement.
Conditions of Use governed the use of ITD-managed computing resources and served as a prototype for service providers to develop their own unit-specific statements. The major change is that the new statement is no longer ITD-specific, but stands as a base set of guidelines for use of resources offered by all service providers across campus, including ITD, the Computer Aided Engineering Network, Medical Center Information Technology and others. The new guidelines assist in the administration of the overall University policy on technology use, “Proper Use of Information Resources, Information Technology, and Networks at the University of Michigan” (Standard Practice Guide 601.7). They clarify what constitutes responsible use and identify specific actions that constitute misuse and their potential consequences. The Responsible Use Guidelines, as well as the Proper Use Policy and other policies governing the use of technology resources at the University, are available on-line. On the World-Wide Web, use the URL Then choose “Information Technology.” On the
GOpherBLUE information server, select “Information Technology Policies and Guidelines” from the main menu.