The University Record, October 30, 1995
Deadline for Michigan Humanities, Arts awards near
Applications for the Michigan Humanities Award and Michigan Arts Award are due to the Vice President for Research no later than Nov. 15 for leaves to be taken in the 1996-97 academic year.
Established last year to enhance the opportunities for selected humanities or arts faculty at the University to carry out significant scholarly or creative work, the awards provide recipients a release from teaching while retaining full salary for one term in order to work on a significant, creative or scholarly project with a humanities or arts emphasis. The recipient’s department is provided with supplementary instructional funds in order to maintain its educational effort in the recipient’s absence.
Applicants will be notified of determinations by Feb. 1 for award leaves to be taken the following academic year.
For application or more information, contact the Office of the Vice President for Research, 764-1185.