The University Record, September 5 , 1995
Aldridge named as one of the best literary critics
John W. Aldridge, professor emeritus of English, has been identified as one of the 10 best American literary critics by an anonymous poll taken among literary people. The poll results are published in the Dictionary of Literary Biography: Yearbook 1994. The critics named were described as those “who, in reviews, critical articles and essays, seek to honor what is valid and to expose what is fraudulent, to weigh and sift and judge as much for the future as for here and now. American literature is what they say it is.”
Therrien receives award
Barbara A. Therrien, associate professor of nursing, has received the 1995 Distinguished Contribution to Research in the Midwest award from the Midwest Nursing Research Society. The award recognized Therrien‘s contributions to the conduct and promotion of research that has enhanced the science and practice of nursing.
Whall receives Alumni of the Year Award
Ann L. Whall, professor of nursing, has recently received the Alumni of the Year Award from the Wayne State University College of Nursing. Whall‘s research is in the nursing needs of the chronically mentally ill, ways to improve care for the demented elderly in nursing homes and strategies for the development of nursing theory.
Goold selected as a Picker/Commonwealth Scholar
Susan D. Goold, assistant professor of internal medicine, has been selected by the Commonwealth Fund as a Picker/Commonwealth Scholar. This award carries a two-year $100,000 grant to support her research on valid consent to managed care decision-making. The Picker/Commonwealth Scholars Program seeks to address the issues of cost, quality and availability of health care from the perspective of the patient. By providing a unique opportunity of mentoring, research and study the program endeavors to create a cadre of young researchers to carry this pioneering work in patient experiences forward.
Duderstadt elected to chair Big Ten Council
President James J. Duderstadt has been elected chair of the Big Ten Conference Council of Presidents/Chancellors for 1995–97. The Council of Presidents is the board of directors for the Big Ten Conference Inc. and provides overall policy and leadership for the Conference.
U-M-Flint names honorees
The U-M-Flint Faculty Development and Awards Committee has named the following faculty members as 1995 honorees:
Carolyn Gillespie, associate professor of theatre, Teaching Excellence Award; Kathleen Lavoie, professor of biology, the Lucinda Hinsdale Stone Senior Faculty Award; Vahid Lotfi, professor of management science, Award for Scholarly & Creative Achievement; Judy Rosenthal, assistant professor of anthropology, the Lucinda Hinsdale Stone Junior Faculty Award.
Medical Center staff receive awards, recognition
Several Medical Center staff and faculty members recently received honors, awards or recognition for work in their fields.
Tadataka Yamada, the John G. Searle Professor of Internal Medicine and chair of the Department of Internal Medicine, was re-elected to membership on the National Board of Medical Examiners as a member-at-large. The board prepares and administers the United States Medical Licensing Examination.
Rajiv Tandon, associate professor of psychiatry, recently received the first Gerald L. Klerman Award by the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia. The award recognizes the work of young investigators in psychiatric research or administration.
William G. Barsan, professor and head of the Section of Emergency Medicine, received the Hal Jayne Academic Excellence Award from the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. The award honors Barsan‘s contributions to the education of countless medical students, residents and junior faculty in the specialty of emergency medicine.
Timothy R.B. Johnson, professor of obstetrics and gynecology, presented two invited lectures during the last month. He gave the 14th annual Charles A. Hunter Jr., M.D., Lecture at Indiana University and the 19th Annual Graham G. Hawks Lecture at New York Hospital/Cornell University Medical Center.