The University Record, August 14, 1995
Faculty grants and fellowship applications due Oct. 1
The Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies invites applications for its 1995 Faculty Research Grants and Fellowships Program. Faculty members may apply for both a grant and a fellowship to be used at the same time, but the total amount of both awards may not exceed $15,000.
The primary objective is to assist promising junior faculty in establishing and sustaining an active program of research and scholarship, or of creative activities in the arts. Consideration is also given to senior faculty who are entering a new line of inquiry. Guidelines and applications are available in Room 1004, Rackham Bldg., or by calling 764-8221.
Requests may also be e-mailed to [email protected]. Deadline for application is Oct. 13 for funding to begin Jan. 1 or fellowship in summer 1996.