The University Record, July 10, 1995
Five from U-M win Newcombe Fellowships
By Bernie DeGroat
News and Information Services
Five graduate students are among 40 doctoral candidates nationwide to win Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships for 1995, as announced by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.
Each fellow, selected from more than 500 applicants, will receive a $12,500 stipend for their final year of writing dissertations on topics of ethical or religious values.
The following are the U-M fellows, their fields of study and dissertation titles:
Mary L. Coomes, history, “Weaving the History of Many Cultures: Cosmology and Cultural Values at New Almaden”;
Reiko Ohnuma, Buddhist studies, “Dehadna: The Gift of the Body in Indian Buddhist Narrative Literature”;
Susanne Pohl, history, “Thou Shalt Not Kill: Ethical Attitudes Toward Homicide and Its Atonement in Medieval and Early Modern Germany”;
Warren A. Rosenblum, history, “Crime, Punishment and the Crisis in Criminal Justice in Germany, 1890-1933”;
Teresa M. Sanislo, history, “Gymnastics and Patriotic Masculinity: Nationalism and Gender in the Early National Movement in Germany, 1780-1820.”