The University Record, May 22, 1995
20 faculty awarded emeritus status
The Regents granted emeritus status to 20 faculty members and approved the recommendations for promotion and/or tenure of 148 faculty members on the Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint campuses, effective next academic year.
“It is an exceptional group of faculty that we recommend to you for promotion, as always,” said Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. “And this year that group includes several women in the sciences” who are being recommended for promotion to senior facualty positions, he continued.
Of the total promotion and tenure recommendations, 135 are at the Ann Arbor campus, three at the U-M-Dearborn and 10 at the U-M-Flint.
Those at the Ann Arbor campus are:
From associate professor with tenure to professor with tenure: Michael Awkward; Timothy Bahti; Eric R. Bates; Kent C. Berridge; Robert L. Bree; Joel N. Bregman; Jane Burbank; Heang-Ping Chan; Hubert I. Cohen; Juan Cole; Kevin D. Cooper; Holly K. Craig; Vishva Dixit; Wesley Dunnick; Robert Fogel; Jarl Fossum; David A. Fox; Benedick A. Fraass; Janet R. Gilsdorf; Donald J. Herzog; Richard Hume; Michael D. Johnson; Fritz A. Kaenzig; C. William Kauffman; Ronald J. Koenig; Earl Lewis; William G. Lockwood; John B. Lowe; Sally Lusk; Scott E. Masten; Marina Mata; Jonathan Maybaum (associate professor of pharmacology, with tenure, to professor of pharmacology, with tenure. Also holds a position as associate professor of radiation oncology, without tenure); Hylan C. Moises;
Joan Morley; Henry I. Mosberg; Michael W. Mulholland; William R. Paulson; R. Bruce Rutherford; Matthew Shapiro; Faye S. Silverstein (associate professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases, with tenure, and associate professor of neurology, without tenure, to professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases, with tenure, and professor of neurology, without tenure); Ruth Simmons; Peter Sparling; Ralf J. Spatzier; John R. Stembridge; Ann Laura Stoler; Jindrich Toman; Kathryn Tosney; Armin W. Troesch; Alejandro Uribe; J. David Velleman; Lynn M. Walter; Alan B. Weder; Steven L. Yaffee.
From associate professor without tenure to professor without tenure: Thomas M. Annesley; Adam Drewnowski (associate professor of psychology, without tenure, in the Department of Psychiatry, to professor of psychology, without tenure, in the Department of Psychiatry. Also holds appointment as professor, with tenure, in the School of Public Health); Donald G. Puro (associate professor of physiology, without tenure, to professor of physiology, without tenure. Also holds a position as professor of ophthalmology, with tenure); Martha J. Somerman (associate professor of pharmacology, without tenure, to professor of pharmacology, without tenure. Also holds a position as professor of dentistry, with tenure).
From associate professor without tenure to associate professor with tenure: Mary Anne Carroll (associate professor of atmospheric, oceanic and space sciences, without tenure, to associate professor of atmospheric, oceanic and space sciences, with tenure. Also holds title of associate professor of chemistry, without tenure); Taylor Cox, Jr.; Renny T. Franceschi; Richard Laine (associate professor of materials science and engineering, without tenure, to associate professor of materials science and engineering, with tenure. Also holds appointment as associate professor of chemistry, without tenure); Thomas R. Lloyd; Will Mitchell; William J. Paul.
From assistant professor to associate professor with tenure: Larry E. Antonuk; Steven M. Archer; Stuart A. Batterman; Barry E. Bleske; Michael D. Bonner; Suzanne F. Bradley; Kathleen Canning; Bert Cardullo; John T. Coffey; Cathleen M. Connell; Chris J. Dickinson; Debasish Dutta; Susan G. Elner; Nancy K. Florida; Betsy Foxman; Thomas S. Frank; A. Oveta Fuller; Larry M. Gant; Warren L. Garner; Gary D. Glick; Fatma Muge Gocek; Gregory P. Graziano; Arthur Greene; Craig Harris (assistant professor of toxicology, School of Public Health, and assistant professor of pharmacology, Medical School, to associate professor of toxicology, with tenure, School of Public Health, and assistant professor of pharmacology, Medical School);
Janet C. Hart; Peter F. Hitchcock (assistant professor of ophthalmology to associate professor of ophthalmology, with tenure. Also holds a position as assistant professor of anatomy and cell biology); Gregory M. Hulbert; Joseph C. Kolars; Sherrie A. Kossoudji; Jennifer J. Linderman; Randall T. Loder; Fernando J. Martinez; James H. Meador-Woodruff; Alan M. Mellow; Pamela A. Moss; David W. Muller; Franco Nori; Dana A. Ohl; Kathy Sue O’Shea; Lynda Oswald; Ivette Perfecto; Marc Perlin; Adela Pinch; Cornelia Porter; Atul Prakash; Jonathan Raz; Jorge L. Rodriguez; David L. Rolston; Donald A. Ross;
Howard M. Sandler; Elizabeth Sears; James M. Scheiman; John Schiefelbein; Margaret Somers; Theresa Tinkle; Iris D. Tommelein; Priscilla Tucker; Amy J. Warner; Peter Washabaugh; Lynda S. Welage; Edwin G. Wilkins; Trevor Wooley; Steven Yalisove; Eric W. Young; Marc A. Zimmerman.
From assistant professor to associate professor without tenure: Jerry Blackstone; Sally K. Guthrie (assistant professor of pharmacy in the Department of Psychiatry, to associate professor of pharmacy, without tenure, in the Department of Psychiatry. Also holds a primary appointment as associate professor of pharmacy, with tenure, College of Pharmacy); Francine Lafontaine.
From instructor to assistant professor: John C. Grady-Benson; Timothy P. Hofer; Kimberlydawn Wisdom.
Those retiring are Ronald E. Austin, senior associate librarian; Sylvester E. Berki, professor of health services management and policy; Raymond P. Canale, professor of civil and environmental engineering; James N. Cather, professor of zoology;
Kuei Chuang, professor of electrical engineering and computer science; Walter R. Debler, professor of applied mechanics; Robert F. Dernberger, professor of economics; Jason L. Finkle, professor of population planning; Russell A. Fraser, the Austin Warren Professor of English;
Eugene A. Glysson, professor of civil and environmental engineering; Michio P. Hagiwara, associate professor of French; Movses J. Kaldjian, professor of naval architecture and marine engineering and professor of civil engineering; Gerald F. Linderman, professor of history; Malcolm A. Lowther, professor of education;
Victor H. Miesel, professor of history of art; Marcel N. Muller, professor of French; Christer E. Nordman, professor of chemistry; Andrejs Olte, professor of electrical engineering and computer science; Lillian Simms, associate professor of nursing; and Irwin R. Titunik, professor of Slavic languages and literatures.
Austin, who joined the U-M staff in 1967, “contributed to a range of library units and projects that formed a microcosm of the larger changes taking place in the organization of research libraries,” the Regents noted. “He has made an enduring contribution to the campus. His highly productive work style, commitment to excellent service and broad-range understanding of the library have supported a generation of campus scholars and created an excellent foundation for future support and service.”
Berki, who joined the U-M faculty in 1967, served as chair of the Department of Medical Care Organization in 1980-86. “During this period,” the Regents noted, “he secured Kellogg Foundation support to enable the department’s health services organization and policy program to become a reality. His 1972 book, Hospital Economics, is widely regarded as one of the important foundations upon which the study of health economics has been built. His research interests included ‘Evaluating Community Health Networks,’ a project funded by the Bureau of Health Services Research.”
Canale, who joined the faculty in 1968, “developed major new courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels,” the Regents said. “The College of Engineering adopted his course on computation methods as a required course in numerical methods for many of its departments. Prof. Canale authored six textbooks on numerical and computer methods and two on aquatic ecosystems and biological waste treatment. In his research, Prof. Canale concentrated on limnology and mathematical modeling.”
Cather, who joined the faculty in 1958, was appointed chair of the Department of Experimental Biology in 1975. In 1983, he was appointed associate dean for facilities in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Later, he was named director of the Office of International Programs. “An outstanding teacher, Prof. Cather participated in large undergraduate courses in embryology and comparative anatomy and, together with the late Prof. George Nace, inaugurated a new course in experimental embryology. For his excellence in teaching, he received the Class of 1923 Award in 1964.”
Chuang joined the faculty in 1959 and his research and teaching focused on energy conversion and feedback control systems, the Regents said. “He was actively involved in the department’s educational program from his earliest days on the faculty and he was particularly noted for his ability to establish a good relationship with his students. He contributed significantly to the revision and updating of all the control courses taught at the University and introduced the teaching of Markovian stochastic control problems in the United States.”
Debler, who joined the faculty in 1958, “has carried out research and published papers on a variety of topics in fluid mechanics, with a special emphasis on turbulence in stratified flows,” the Regents said. “To Prof. Debler, the education of students was his highest priority; he excelled in both pedagogical methodology and in rapport with students. He developed a graduate level course in fluid mechanics, created a series of videotapes to help students with homework problems, and published an undergraduate textbook titled Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals.”
Dernberger, who joined the faculty in 1968, is “one of the world’s foremost experts on the Chinese economy,” the Regents said. “His teaching and research have centered on the field of comparative economic systems, with emphasis on the distinctive mechanisms that have operated in China under communism. He has served as president of the Association of Comparative Economic Studies. He has been a member of more than 10 research delegations to the People’s Republic of China, and has served on a number of panels, councils, and committees focused on China.”
Finkle, who joined the faculty in 1965, served as director of the Center for Population Planning in 1978-88 and as chair of the Department of Population Planning and International Health in 1985-88. In 1984, he initiated the Michigan International Population Fellows Program, which he directed in 1984-91. “Beginning in 1972, Prof. Finkle turned his attention to the United Nations’ emerging role in the regulation of rapid population growth,” the Regents noted. “He received a Rockefeller Foundation grant to study the role of specialized agencies of the United Nations in the population field.”
Fraser, who joined the faculty in 1968 as chair of the Department of English, was “instrumental in founding the Medieval and Renaissance Collegium in 1977 and served as its first director,” the Regents said. “Prof. Fraser’s numerous books include editions of early collections of English lyric poetry and of Shakespeare’s plays. A dedicated and popular teacher of undergraduate and graduate students, Prof. Fraser is renowned for his lectures on Shakespeare and for his rigorous and penetrating attention to poetry in smaller classes.”
Glysson, who joined the faculty in 1951, “taught and performed research on solid waste disposal and management, municipal engineering, and water, wastes, and solid wastes engineering,” the Regents said. “Prof. Glysson’s career is known for his devotion to students. He served as the faculty adviser to Michigan’s chapter of Chi Epsilon for 30 years, being only the second faculty adviser of that chapter since its inception in 1949. He also served as the department program adviser for 21 years, providing unprecedented continuity and quality to the program in civil and environmental engineering.”
Hagiwara joined the faculty in 1961 and “for most of his career, he served as director of the elementary French program and adviser to students enrolled in the teaching certification program,” the Regents noted. “He also twice directed the Michigan-Wisconsin academic year program in Aix-en-Provence. His students will remember him as a devoted and rigorous teacher of theoretical and applied French linguistics. Former graduate students and colleagues who coordinated language courses under his direction always appreciated his support, encouragement, and attention to their professional development.”
Kaldjian joined the faculty in 1957 and his “primary expertise is in structural analysis, with particular emphasis on finite element techniques,” the Regents said. “His international reputation has led to many academic appointments in the United States, Canada, and overseas, including India, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Indonesia, Finland and Armenia. He has taught some two dozen different courses, spread among mechanical engineering and applied mechanics, civil and environmental engineering, and naval architecture and marine engineering.”
Linderman joined the faculty in 1969 and “his publications have focused on the United States as a nation at war. His first book, The Mirror of War, was concerned with American society during the Spanish-American War. In 1987, he published Embattled Courage: The Experience of Combat in the American Civil War. Hailed by reviewers as one of the best books ever written about Americans engaged in wartime combat, ‘Embattled Courage’ was a History Book Club main selection. A splendid teacher whose polished and thoughtful lectures attracted legions of students, Prof. Linderman garnered an impressive array of teaching awards.”
Lowther, who joined the faculty in 1960, “taught courses in secondary school curriculum theory and practice, affective development, and educational strategies and adult role performance, and worked extensively with graduate students. His exceptional record of service includes having been assistant dean, program chair and division chair and service on numerous School of Education committees. Prof. Lowther’s most recent research has centered on the quality of teachers’ worklife and job satisfaction among teachers.”
Miesel, who joined the faculty in 1957, “enjoys an international reputation in the area of German Expressionism, the result of his Voices of German Expressionism, An Anthology (1970), two exhibitions with catalogues, and numerous articles,” the Regents said. “Yet his scholarly range is wide, from his doctoral dissertation on Rubens and ancient art to a series of reviews of the latest artistic developments. Equally impressive is the scope of his teaching of European and American art from the late 18th century to the present.”
Muller, who joined the faculty in 1966, is “an internationally acknowledged specialist in the work of Marcel Proust. He twice headed the French section of his department, chaired or co-chaired eight doctoral dissertation committees, and was a member of many others. He will be remembered by generations of Michigan students as a thought-provoking, witty and very learned teacher of modern French literature, of rhetoric, of narrative and poetic form, and of intellectual history.”
Nordman joined the faculty in 1955. “A physical chemist, at one time or another Prof. Nordman has taught almost all the courses offered in that area, in addition to courses in his research specialty,” the Regents said. “He has also taught general chemistry courses and has served as an undergraduate counselor for chemistry majors. He has consistently upheld the highest standards of scholarly performance and teaching excellence and has contributed greatly to the collegiality and service activities of the Department of Chemistry.”
Olte joined the faculty in 1959. “His research involved both experimental and theoretical investigations of the interaction of microwaves with plasmas. He has taught primarily electromagnetic field theory and the theory and application of microwaves. He provided significant service to both the undergraduate and graduate programs, serving on an ad hoc committee to review the undergraduate curriculum and as a member and chair of the Graduate Committee.”
Simms, who joined the faculty in 1970, was named interim associate director for nursing at the U-M Hospitals and interim assistant dean of clinical affairs in the School of Nursing in 1981. “In these roles, Prof. Simms proved to be a steadfast leader, guiding nursing at the University Hospitals and clinical affairs within the School of Nursing through a time of significant change and renewal. She has contributed to the developing knowledge of nursing practice through publications and presentations since the mid-1970s. More recently, she has devoted considerable commitment and energy to developing international initiatives with the nursing profession in China.”
Titunik joined the faculty in 1959. “He taught all levels of Russian language courses, as well as courses in Russian literature, literary criticism, fiction and prose. He designed a new course, ‘Movements and Genres in Russian Literary History,’ which became a required course for all departmental M.A. candidates. As a scholar, Prof. Titunik achieved recognition for his work involving the ‘Bakhtin School.’ In his scholarly specialty, he is best known for articles on such writers as V.K. Strediakovsky and M.D. Chulkov.”