U-M, Wayne, MSU join in mutual support

The University Record, April 24, 1995

U-M, Wayne, MSU join in mutual support

U-M, Wayne, MSU join in mutual support

Senate Assembly members last week approved an amendment to a resolution that they passed in March pledging cooperation with the faculties of Michigan State and Wayne State Universities. The amendment originated with the Wayne State Policy Committee, the executive committee of its Academic Senate.

The statement now reads:

“On behalf of the faculties of Michigan State University, the University of Michigan and Wayne State University, we affirm our commitment to continued cooperation between the faculties of these three state universities. At a time when higher education is challenged on many fronts, we believe that cooperative efforts and mutual support will best meet the educational challenges facing the State of Michigan.

“The Policy Committee sees the proposed differential appropriations for the institutions of higher education in Michigan as detracting from this cooperation.”



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