FACULTY AWARDS Daniel J. Goldman, University Research Scientist Award

An exceptional research scientist, Daniel Goldman is a productive and creative investigator in the field of neuro- transmitter receptor biochemistry. Studying the structure, function, and regulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the brain and muscle, his body of work demonstrates a breadth of research interests as well as a commitment to the highest quality.

The molecular mechanisms by which synapses form and are modified in adults remain largely unknown, yet they hold great interest, since many higher brain functions such as learning and memory are thought to involve changes at the synapse. Daniel Goldman’s research, which has included the cloning of several fish and mammal neural genes, focuses on these issues by characterizing the mechanisms by which cell-cell interactions at the synapse influence protein expression. The overarching hypotheses that dominate Professor Goldman’s research are that there is a common molecular mechanism for neuroplasticity, that it resides in the synapse, and that it is also genomically and experientially regulated.

The field of molecular biology is immensely active today, and Professor Goldman directs and participates in a vigorous research group at Michigan that is highly respected nationwide. In addition to his research, Professor Goldman contributes significantly to the training of graduate students in biological chemistry, neurosciences, and cellular and molecular biology.

Daniel Goldman’s enthusiasm and dedication to science set, an example for all who come into contact with him. Respected for his energy, intelligence, and originality, his contributions place him in the highest echelon of researchers in his field. We are proud to honor him with this year’s University of Michigan’s Research Scientist Award.


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