Advisory group named in SPH dean search

An eight-member advisory committee has been appointed by Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. to assist in the search for the School of Public Health dean.

The committee is chaired by M. Anthony Schork, professor of biostatistics.

Whitaker has asked the committee to initiate a wide-ranging national search that includes internal candidates and explores potential for candidates in other schools of public health, in government agencies and in related health sciences disciplines, such as medicine and nursing.

He would like an unranked list of at least three candidates, timed to permit the appointment of a new dean by July 1, 1995. Whitaker notes that appointment of the advisory committee follows a one-year intensive and extensive self-study of the school that resulted in a consolidation of departments that will strengthen the school’s offerings and research activities.

At the May Regents meeting last week, the provost expressed “deep appreciation of the efforts undertaken by Interim Dean Richard G. Cornell to guide the school during a difficult transition. Cornell’s term was extended to Aug. 31, 1995, or the appointment of a new dean.

In addition to Schork, committee members are Linda M. Chatters, assistant professor of health behavior and health education and faculty associate, Research Center for Group Dynamics; Amy Espy, student; Khalil H. Mancy, professor of environmental chemistry, chair of the Department of Environmental and Industrial Health and professor of international health and of population planning and international health;

Patricia P. Moll, associate professor of epidemiology; Jeffrey Rado, student; John R.C. Wheeler, professor and chair, Department of Health Services Management and Policy; and James O. Wolliscroft, professor of internal medicine and associate chair, Undergraduate Medical Education.

Staff support will be provided by Glenda L. Haskell, coordinator of academic services programs, Office of Academic Affairs. E. Kay Dawson, assistant to the provost, will be liaison to the Provost’s Office.


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