Changes proposed for 2 Bylaws; comments due to General Counsel May 16

Revisions of two Regents’ Bylaws have been proposed, and will be acted on by the Regents at their June meeting. Comments on the proposed revisions should be directed by May 16 to the Office of the General Counsel, 4020 Fleming Administration Building 1340, telephone 764-0304 or FAX 763-5648.

Proposed additions are highlighted, and deletions are struck out.

Proposed revision of Regents’ Bylaws

Section 3.07.2.b Approval and Execution of University Documents

b. All contracts for sponsored research and supplements thereto, including agreements for fellowships, scholarships, and grants-in-aid, and all contracts covering payment for tuition and supplies may be executed by the executive vice president and chief financial officer; and the executive vice president’s signature shall be certified by the secretary where such certification is requested; provided, however, the executive vice president and chief financial officer is authorized to delegate in writing to designated representatives authority to execute contracts and/or applications for grants or contracts where the amount involved is less than $250,000 $750,000 and/or training grants or fellowship programs which do not exceed a rate of $250,000 per year and where the commitments anticipated fall within the normal activities of the University.

Section 13.05 University of Michigan Development Council

The Development Council shall stimulate interest in and support of the University through gifts, grants, and bequests from alumni, business, industry, and friends.

To assist in achieving its purpose the council is authorized to adopt a charter of organization, consistent with the general bylaws of the Board, and subject to the approval of the president.

The executive functions of the council shall be provided by a director assisted by a board consisting of twenty-six members-at-large serving three-year terms, two undergraduate student members serving staggered two-year terms, and eight ex officio members as follows: the president of the University, the vice president for development and communication, the national chair of the alumni fund, the chair of SACUA, an alumnus faculty member elected annually by SACUA, the president and general secretary of the Alumni Association, and an alumna elected annually by the board of directors of the Alumni Association.


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