By Mary Jo Frank
Thomas M. Dunn, Ronald J. Lomax and Alfredo Montalvo will begin serving three-year terms on the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) May 1.
Dunn and Montalvo were elected at the March 21 Senate Assembly meeting to succeed John Birge and George Cameron. Lomax, who is completing a one-year term, was re-elected.
Thomas M. Dunn
Dunn, professor of chemistry, joined the U-M in 1963 and served as acting department chair in 1972–73 and chair in 1973–83.
Active in faculty governance at the College and University level, Dunn chaired SACUA’s Academic Affairs Committee in 1991–93, the Task Force on Graduate Student Aid in 1981–82, LS&A’s Nominating Committee in 1974 and the University Budget Priorities Committee in 1972–74. A former president of the U-M Research Club, Dunn served on the Final Interview Committee for the Selection of the U-M President in 1979. He also has served as a member of the Senate Assembly, Library Council, Rackham Graduate School Evaluation Committee, English Composition Board and the Governor’s Advisory Committee on Science and Technology.
In his SACUA campaign statement, Dunn said the most critical issues for Senate Assembly and SACUA in the coming year are to:
Ronald J. Lomax
Lomax, professor of electrical engineering and computer science, came to the U-M as a visiting assistant professor in 1961–63 and was promoted to assistant professor in 1963, associate professor in 1966 and professor in 1973.
A member of Senate Assembly in 1987–90 and 1993–94, Lomax is the SACUA liaison to the Rules Committee and Government Relations Committee. He was a member of the Academic Affairs Advisory Committee in 1989–91, serving as co-chair in 1990–91. Chair of the Electrical Engineering Graduate Program in 1985–91, Lomax also has served on the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching Review Committee, the Senior Scholarship Committee and the Rackham Divisional Board.
In his SACUA campaign statement, Lomax noted that during 1993–94
SACUA has been addressing several significant issues, including faculty governance, the changing nature of the professoriate, faculty grievances, evaluation of administrators, and faculty and administrative salaries.
Among the SACUA initiatives Lomax said he plans to continue monitoring: the Assembly’s evaluation procedure for administrators, and the progress of minorities and women, both faculty and students, to determine which gains are real and which are manipulations of statistics.
Alfredo Montalvo
Montalvo, associate professor of art, joined the U-M as assistant professor of art in 1973 and was promoted to associate professor of art in 1977. He also has served as design and communication consultant for a number of firms, including Applied Dynamics International and Environmental Dynamics Inc., both of Ann Arbor.
He has served as ombudsman for the School of Art, on the School of Art Executive Committee and as designated student adviser for the School. He also has served on the School’s Executive Committee and as chair of the Curriculum Committee. He is a member of the Committee on a Multicultural University.
Montalvo directed the School’s Graduate Studies Program in 1977–79 and was director of LS&A’s Film and Video Studies Program in 1976–1978.
In his campaign statement, Montalvo said that, until recently, the faculty had ceded to the “circuitous executive reconfiguration of our University by allowing disputable initiatives to go virtually unchallenged.”
Montalvo said the faculty and administration must establish clear channels of communication, and “resolutely commit to the unequivocal exchange of information and to vigorous cooperation in the shaping of ideas leading to decisions affecting both parties, their common interests and shared constituents.”