Let flex committee know what you think

The Flexible Benefits Advisory Committee wants to hear from you:

David J. Anderson (co-chair), professor of electrical engineering and computer science, 4234 EECS 2112, 763-8040; Fax: 763-8041.

Robert Behrens, U-M-Dearborn vice chancellor for business affairs, 1090 Administration Bldg. 1491, Dearborn Campus, 593-5110; Fax: 593-5452.

James Christenson, director of plant operations, 326 E. Hoover 1002, 764-3400; Fax: 763-2590.

Robert S. Holbrook associate provost for academic affairs, 3080 Fleming Administration Bldg. 1340, 763-1282; Fax: 764-4546.

Chandler W. Matthews (co-chair), associate vice president for finance, 3032 Fleming Administration Bldg. 1340, 764-7270; Fax: 936-8730.

Dorothy Russell, U-M-Flint vice chancellor for administration, 234 University Pavilion 2186, Flint Campus, (810) 762-3324; Fax: (810) 766-6769.

Alan W. Steiss, director, Division of Research Development and Administration, Wolverine Tower #1274, 3003 S. State St., 764-7230; Fax: 763-4053.

Laurita Thomas, administrator, Medical Center Human Resources, NI8B19, 300 North Ingalls Bldg. 0420, 747-1913; Fax: 763-9506.

John E. Tropman, professor of social work, 1065 Frieze Bldg. 1285, 763-1282; Fax: 936-1961.

The committee as a whole also can be reached via e-mail at “flexcom”.


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