Three faculty members were given the emeritus title by the Regents at their January meeting. Those retiring are:
Jerome M. Clubb, professor of history and research scientist
Clubb, who joined the U-M in 1966, is “a pioneer in introducing quantitative techniques of analysis to history,” the Regents noted. “Through his extensive research and publications, he demonstrated that quantitative data add precision to historical interpretations and often yield findings that are contrary to conventional wisdom.
“As executive director of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), Prof. Clubb shaped the social sciences globally. He expanded the disciplinary scope of ICPSR, adding history, sociology, and social work as full partners with political science, the consortium’s founding discipline.”
Eugene E. Dekker, professor of biological chemistry
Dekker, who came to the U-M in 1956, has been “an invaluable faculty member in the Department of Biological Chemistry,” the Regents said. “An excellent teacher, he served as director of several departmental courses and in 1978 was awarded the Amoco Good Teaching Award. In 1975–88, Prof. Dekker served as assistant, then associate chair of the department. He also provided valuable leadership as acting chair of the department in both 1978 and 1985.
“Prof. Dekker has had 33 consecutive years of research support by the National Institutes of Health for mammalian and bacterial studies on the chemistry, metabolism, and enzymology of amino acids, the characterization of new enzymes, and establishing enzyme structure/function/regulation interrelations.”
Edwin J. Thomas, the Fedele F. Fauri Professor of Social Work and professor of psychology
Thomas, who joined the U-M faculty in 1956, is recognized as “a leading scholar in the areas of behavior modification and intervention research, with particular emphasis on role theory and group behavior,” the Regents noted. “His recent research has focused on unilateral therapy with the spouses and families of alcohol abusers. He has published an impressive body of articles and books, many of which have been translated into foreign languages.
“In the School of Social Work,” they added, “Prof. Thomas served as head of the doctoral program in social work and social science, chair of the supervising committee for the doctoral program, and for many years as head of the human behavior and social environment area of the school’s curriculum.”