The Executive Officers have endorsed a draft policy that will “begin to work toward a smoke-free campus in 1994.”
The proposed policy is in response to strong evidence presented by the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health on the potential for carcinogenic exposure of workers to environmental tobacco smoke.
The draft policy states:
1. Smoking will be prohibited in all leased and owned University facilities including parking structures and Uni-versity vehicles.
2. Smoking is prohibited within 50 feet of outer door entrances. In some circumstances, other standards will apply and will be posted.
3. The sale of tobacco products is prohibited on University premises.
4. Smoking is prohibited in housing facilities with the exception of resident rooms and apartments. For specific regulations relative to rooms and apartments, see Housing Division policies.
5. Limited smoking rooms may be provided in conference centers and hotels if necessary.
6. Smoking will be permitted for controlled research, educational or religious purposes with prior approval of the dean or director responsible for the facility.
Until April 1, the draft policy will be under discussion. A committee comprised of smokers and non-smokers will take written comments and may hold a public hearing, according to George D. Zuidema, vice provost for medical affairs. Zuidema chairs the Policy Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs, which recommended the policy. Once a final policy is approved by the Executive Officers, an implementation period will follow. During the implementation period, units will be encouraged to provide support for smokers who wish to quit.
“Several other universities in Michigan and other states have taken these steps with a minimum of disruption,” says President James J. Duderstadt.
“Many surveys of the general population reveal widespread support for efforts to limit exposure to tobacco smoke. We anticipate that the result of this policy change will be a more pleasant and healthful environment for everyone,” he adds. “The success of this policy depends upon the thoughtfulness, consideration and cooperation of smokers and non-smokers. All faculty, staff and students share the responsibility for adhering to and enforcing the policy.”