At their May meeting the Regents approved the recommendations for promotion and/or tenure of 130 faculty members on the Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint campuses, effective next academic year.
Of the total, 118 are at the Ann Arbor campus, eight at the U-M-Dearborn and four at the U-M-Flint.
At the Ann Arbor campus
From professor without tenure to professor with tenure: Erling B. Bengtsson; Matthew O’Donnell; Michael W. Traugott.
From associate professor with tenure to professor with tenure: Richard A. Altschuler (associate professor of otorhinolaryngology, with tenure, to professor of otorhinolaryngology, with tenure. Also holds appointment as associate professor of anatomy and cell biology, without tenure); Kenneth W. Baird; David E. Barrett; Robert H. Beekman III; David A. Bloom; Michael L. Boehnke; Josephine P. Briggs (associate professor of internal medicine, with tenure, and associate professor of physiology, without tenure, to professor of internal medicine, with tenure, and professor of physiology, without tenure);
Steven N. Dworkin (associate professor or Romance linguistics, with tenure, and associate professor of linguistics, with tenure, to professor of Romance linguistics, with tenure, and professor of linguistics, with tenure); Isaac R. Francis; Brant E. Fries; David Ginsburg (associate professor of internal medicine, with tenure, and associate professor of human genetics, without tenure, to professor of internal medicine, with tenure, and professor of human genetics, without tenure); Chen-Hsing Hsu; Raymond J. Hutchinson; J. Wayne Jones; Gautam Kaul;
Robert W. Keener; Paul R. Kileny; Victor C. Li; Kyger C. Lohmann; Stephen S. Mick; Gary J. Nabel (associate professor of internal medicine, with tenure, and associate professor of biological chemistry, without tenure, to professor of internal medicine, with tenure, and professor of biological chemistry, without tenure); Randolph M. Nesse; John M. O’Shea; Annemarie Palincsar; William B. Ribbens; James A. Roberts; Thomas L. Schwenk; H. Nejat Seyhun; Demosthenis Teneketzis; Toby Teorey; J. William Thomas;
Luke Y. Tsai, (associate professor of psychiatry, with tenure, and associate professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases, without tenure, to professor of psychiatry, with tenure, and professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases, without tenure); Michael I. Weinstein; Ralph G. Williams; Fredric M. Wolf; James O. Woolliscroft.
From associate professor without tenure to associate professor with tenure: William D. Belville; Elazar Berkovitch; Celeste Brusati; Philip N. Cascade; Heang-Ping Chan; Jonathan J. Langbert; Stephen B. Shipps.
From assistant professor to associate professor with tenure: Elizabeth S. Anderson; Michael Atzmon; Patrice S. Beddor; Timothy E. Bunchman; Sally A. Camper; Rita L. Caruso; Sandra K. Danziger; Carol M. Foster; Kirk A. Frey (assistant professor of internal medicine and assistant professor of neurology to associate professor of internal medicine, with tenure, and associate professor of neurology, without tenure); Thomas E. Fricke; Joseph Holoshitz; Arline T. Geronimus;
Jerome L. Gorski (assistant professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases and assistant professor of human genetics to associate professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases, with tenure, and associate professor of human genetics, without tenure); Michael C. Gurnis; Sally K. Guthrie (assistant professor of pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, to associate professor of pharmacy, with tenure, College of Pharmacy. She also holds an appointment of assistant professor of pharmacy in Department of Psychiatry, Medical School);
John Holmes; Mark S. Kaminski; Miles Kimball; Sridhar Kota; Joseph Krajcik; Stephen Lee; Flavian M. Lupinetti; Paul S. Meltzer (assistant professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases and assistant professor of radiation oncology to associate professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases, with tenure, and associate professor of radiation oncology, without tenure); Brinkley Messick; Louis M. Messina; John C. Mitani; Paul Mohai; Khalil Najafi; Sheryl L. Olson; Bradford G. Orr; Stephen M. Papadopoulos;
Noel C. Perkins; Paul Pintrich; Kenneth G. Powell; Vincent E. Price; Steven E. Raper; Barbara D. Reed; Priscilla S. Rogers; Terry L. Root (assistant professor of natural resources and assistant professor of biology to associate professor of natural resources, with tenure, and associate professor of biology, without tenure); Mark S. Roth;
Edward W. Sarath; Cindy A. Schipani; Neil T. Shepard; Vernon K. Sondak; Robert M. Strieter; Alan R. Tait; Rajiv Tandon; Margaret S. Terpenning; Hitomi Tonomura; Laurence A. Turka; Michael D. Uhler; Jeffrey S. Warren; Michael J. Wiley; David W. Wright; Youjae Yi.
From assistant professor to professor with tenure: Avery Katz; Richard H. Pildes.
From assistant professor to associate professor without tenure: Will G. Mitchell; Peter L. Roberson; Douglas J. Skinner; Bernard Y. Yeung.
From instructor to assistant professor: Steven J. Bernstein; James E. Carpenter; Wayne T. Cornblath; Gary J. Faerber; William P. Fay; Thomas E. Gribbin; William L. Hasler; Kenneth A. Jamerson; Steven J. Katz; Mary K. Martel; Joyce A. Wahr.
At U-M-Dearborn
From assistant professor without tenure to associate professor with tenure: Constance Flanagan, Vaman M. Naik, Adnan K. Shaout.
From associate professor without tenure to associate professor with tenure: John G. Cherng, John A. Gillespie, Roberto R. Kampfner.
Associate professor with tenure to professor: Elaine Clark, Emily Spinelli.
At U-M-Flint
From assistant professor without tenure to associate professor with tenure: Geoge F. Lord.
From associate professor with tenure to professor: Kathleen Ann Lavoie, Leslie Page Moch, Tevfik F. Nas.