Seminars will help you plan retirement investment strategies

A series of seminars—The Asset Planning Conference—on pre- and post-retirement planning needs will be hosted by the Benefits Office April 12–14 at the Rackham Building.

The conference seminars will focus on such topics as starting a retirement plan, preserving accumulations for estate considerations and long-term care.

Seminar presentations will be made by representatives of TIAA-CREF (Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association-College Retirement Equities Fund), Fidelity and Calvert.

Sessions are limited by available seating and seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

Individual counseling sessions are available and should be arranged by contacting:

—TIAA-CREF, 1-800-842-2044, ask for Regina Suede.

—Fidelity, 1-800-328-6608, ask for Mark Anderson.

—Calvert, 1-800-327-2109.

Seminar topics are:

—Investing with a Social Conscience highlights Calvert’s socially responsible investment funds, as well as the criteria Calvert uses to select its investments and the history of a fund of this type.

—Long-Term Care, by TIAA, will focus on the importance of planning for health care and living needs before and during retirement.

—Preserving Your Accumulations, presented by TIAA-CREF, will help staff members find their way through the maze of federal and state regulations that apply to the taxation and preservation of retirement accumulations.

—How to Jump-Start Your Financial Future, presented by TIAA-CREF, will let participants know how to make the most of their money and save on taxes while getting the most from the University.

—Getting the Most Out of Your Investments, presented by Fidelity, will focus on the risk and return characteristics of different investment vehicles, the benefits of diversification and the power of long-term investing.

—Understanding the Basics of Investing, presented by Fidelity, will include information on basic investment terminology, an exploration of investment strategies for retirement and information on the characteristics of various investment options.

—Investing for the ’90s and Beyond features Virgil Cumming, senior vice president, CREF Investments, discussing the spectrum of risk found in the global marketplace and strategies to manage the risks faced by today’s investor.

More complete information, including times and locations for the seminars, is in a brochure mailed to all U-M staff earlier this month. Times and locations also will be in the April 12 Record Calendar.


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