Profile offers a detailed look at racial composition of faculty

Information on the racial makeup of the Ann Arbor campus faculty this year is found in a report that provides a “snapshot” look at the racial/ethnic makeup of the faculty and includes data on the hiring of new minority faculty.

Numbers in the “snapshot” reflect instructional staff who were on campus and in the staff records data base on Nov. 1.

This year’s 12.9 percent share compares with 12.3 percent a year ago, 11.2 percent in 1990, and 10.7 percent in 1989.

Three categories make up the instructional staff at the University: those with tenure or tenure-track appointments; lecturers; and supplemental staff, such as visiting professors, those with adjunct appointments, and those with clinical appointments.

There are 3,721 faculty on the Ann Arbor campus; 480 are people of color. Black instructional staff stand at 155, representing 4.2 percent of the overall total. There are 242 Asian faculty members (6.5 percent), 75 Hispanic faculty members(2 percent) and eight Native American faculty members (0.2 percent).

Within an overall 4.3 percent increase in the number of minority faculty, each group showed gains over last year’s totals. The largest increase was 60 percent for Native American faculty, who increased from five to eight. They are followed by Black faculty up 8.4 percent (from 143 to 155), Hispanic up 4.2 percent (from 72 to 75) and Asian up 0.8 percent (from 240 to 242).

Of the total faculty of color, 338 hold tenure or tenure-track appointments, 98 are lecturers and 44 have supplemental appointments.

The 90 new faculty of color profiled in the report are those whose appointment starting dates range from July 1991 through June 1993, and include some whose appointments were not counted last year.

Asian faculty comprise the largest number of the 90 new instructional staff at 39. They are followed by Black (32), Hispanic (17) and Native American (2).

Of the 90 new minority faculty members, 31 hold tenure or tenure-track appointments, 24 are lecturers, and 35 are supplemental staff.

Within individual units on the Ann Arbor campus and excluding supplemental instructional staff, LS&A and the Medical School have again added the largest number of new faculty of color.

LS&A has 24 new faculty of color; four are Black, eight are Asian, 11 are Hispanic and one is Native American. At the Medical School, seven of the 16 new faculty of color are Black, eight are Asian, and one is Native American.

The School of Education has appointed four new faculty of color—three Blacks and one Hispanic. The School of Dentistry’s three new minority faculty members all are Black. The School of Business Administration has appointed two new Asian faculty members, as has the College of Engineering. Three other units have each hired one new faculty of color: School of Natural Resources and Environment (Black), School of Nursing (Black), College of Pharmacy (Asian) and School of Social Work (Black).

The Dearborn and Flint campuses this year have a combined total of 19 new faculty of color; nine are Black, nine are Asian and one is Hispanic. These figures bring the overall count for all three campuses to a total of 109 new minority faculty: 41 Blacks, 48 Asians, 18 Hispanics and two Native Americans.


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