U-M study explores attitudes about phones at the dinner table


Checking email for work. Posting a photo to Facebook. Texting the kids to come downstairs. Sending a quick snap to a friend. People of all ages might use their smartphones in these ways during shared meals.

A new study from the University of Michigan explores how people use mobile phones during meals and how they feel about other people doing so. The researchers surveyed 1,163 people between the ages of 8 and 88 in English-speaking countries around the world.

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The survey reveals that people’s attitudes about whether or not you should be using a mobile phone at mealtimes depends heavily on what you are doing, and who else is at the table. 

Not all phone use is perceived the same, the researchers found. For example, texting and answering a phone call are both considered more appropriate than using social media.

The researchers think this might be because texting and talking on the phone are both brief activities, whereas using social media can take much longer. This was at least true for adults in the study. However, children texting is rated as less appropriate, probably because children are perceived to be largely socializing with their friends, and they do it a lot more than adults.

“These results are interesting because they challenge the idea that using your phone during a shared meal is categorically inappropriate. What we find is that attitudes are much more nuanced than that,” said Carol Moser, a doctoral student at the School of Information and the study’s lead author.

“A quick text or even phone call with your boss might be okay. Watching someone across the table thumb through their Facebook feed, that’s different.”

Regardless of activity, the study finds that the older the participant, the more appropriate they perceive using mobile phones at meals to be, but this peaks by the mid-20s. Above that age, perceived appropriateness of use declines with age.

However, adults and children generally agree that it is more appropriate for adults to use a phone at meals than for children to. In fact, the mere presence of a child at a meal decreases the perceived appropriateness of adults using their phones.

“People have done other activities during meals like reading a newspaper or watching the television for years. But smartphones introduce a new challenge,” said co-author Sarita Schoenebeck, assistant professor of information. “You can’t tell what someone else is doing on their smartphone, so you have no idea if they’re ignoring you in order to reply to an urgent email or to play Candy Crush Saga.”

Perhaps not surprisingly, people’s own mobile phone use is the strongest predictor of their beliefs about appropriateness. In other words, if you use your phone at meals a lot, you probably think it’s okay to do so.

The researchers suggest that smartphone developers might build more visibility into the devices. For example, a phone might be able to detect that a user is at a meal and ask her if the activity is important to finish now or if she would like to wait until after the meal.

Or a phone might flash a small light to indicate the nature of use to people nearby — if an activity is deemed important by the group (for example, an adult checking an important work email or a child checking a school assignment), people can help one another follow their own rules.

The study, “Technology at the Table: Attitudes about Mobile Phone Use at Mealtimes,” will be presented at the Association for Computer Machinery’s Human-Factors in Computing Systems conference this month. In addition to Moser and Schoenebeck, Katharina Reinecke at the University of Washington is also a co-author on the study.



  1. Carla Kay Baumann
    on May 12, 2016 at 7:07 am

    How about a study how people use their cell phones in the bathroom? Personally, I’m sick of listening to others conversations when I’m trying to pee.

    • Jennifer Sporer
      on May 12, 2016 at 8:46 am

      I agree. I feel that it is so low class to conduct your phone conversations around toilets flushing. I feel like it’s an invasion of my privacy when others are doing it near me. It totally grosses me out if I figure out that someone I’m talking to on the phone is using the potty–I quickly end that conversation.

  2. Tina Ronders
    on May 12, 2016 at 8:00 am

    It’s strange that people would want to be in the bathroom talking when there are other people likely to be there as well….unless the phone is muted, the listener will hear it all.

    Cell phone/iphone texting and social media is so prominent these days and used by many people. (My kids tell me my phone is a ‘cellasauros’ because it doesn’t support downloads or receiving media so I don’t use these on my cell phone). When I am with someone for a meal, I usually ask if I can take a call/text before I do. If someone else is on social media and there is no conversation, I will ask them to put it away.

  3. Anya Cobler
    on May 12, 2016 at 8:18 am

    I have a rule that no cell phones are allowed at the dinner table. It is rude, in my opinion, and isolating, when someone is playing on their phone or taking a phone call during the time when we have taken the time and made the decision to be together for a meal. It is an intentional decision to not use a phone at this time. Otherwise, what is the point of being together?

    • Gary Wilson
      on May 13, 2016 at 10:20 pm

      Great comment Anya! If only people like you were more common.

  4. Andreas Blass
    on May 13, 2016 at 9:07 am

    My attitude toward your answering a call or text during a meal becomes much more favorable if you first say something like “Excuse me; it’s my boss, so I’d better answer it.” Spouses, children, parents, etc. are as good as bosses in this respect, but I’d like to know that you’re aware that you’re inconveniencing me and that you have a good reason for doing so.

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