Like sprinkles on frosting, hand-scattered grass seed speckles the damp dirt.
Moments earlier, spiky garden tool blades roughed up bare lawn patches to make them seed-ready. It’s opening day for grounds work around Central Campus. This is just one of the projects crews take on in early spring.
“We call it scratch and seed,” says Dylan Tessens. The temporary Grounds Services staffer wears a blue Wolverines hoodie and beige work gloves. He’s joined by fellow temp grounds workers Cody Nikkila and Jason Haller to work the sidewalk area bordering Betsy Barbour Residence.
They prepare soil and spread what’s known as a Turf Type Tall Fescue, one of many varieties used, depending on the setting. “This seed doesn’t have to be irrigated,” Tessens says.
This is the time of year when grounds crews transition from winter to spring, says Robert Doletzky, Plant Building and Grounds Services manager.
“It’s always a nervous time for us as we know that we could still have snow even though the calendar says it’s spring. We stay ready, just in case. But, while we are worrying, there is plenty of grounds work happening,” he says.
Due to warmer temperatures and quicker melting of snow this winter, crews didn’t apply as much salt to sidewalks. There is less lawn and landscape salt damage than in recent years. “We are a couple of weeks ahead of schedule as far as general grounds cleanup,” Doletzky says.
In recent weeks, crews have focused on cleaning the hardscape areas that have debris left from the snow melt. They’ve also been power-washing site furniture including trash containers. Staff also have removed chains and bollards set up last fall to section off entryways for efficient winter maintenance.
For the next couple weeks, crews will level and seed areas along sidewalks and handle general lawn repair work. There will be hardscape cleaning focusing on entryways and bike racks. Cutting back remaining perennials and grasses and mulching beds and tree rings is a high priority.
“The grass is growing and will require weekly mowing soon. Our crews are preparing their small equipment like string trimmers and blowers to be ready for the mowing season,” Doletzky says.
Mechanics are changing some equipment from snow removal to mowing units. Soon, crews will begin turning on irrigation systems and servicing them.
A project crew is returning to some of the landscape repair and installation work left from last fall. This includes Ingalls Mall and Clements Library, to prepare them for grand re-opening events.
“Campus is always buzzing with people as we approach commencement. Our staff really understands the importance of keeping the grounds clean and green for our visitors and university community and work really hard to ensure that everyone walks away impressed,” Doletzky says.
Spring also provides an opportunity to assess the health of trees as they begin leafing and flowering. Controlled burns on parts of campus are planned to help control invasive species and reinvigorate wildflowers into prairies and storm water detention basins.
Plant Building and Grounds Services also is tagging abandoned bikes across campus to notify bike owners that they will be removed in May, Doletzky says.
Adrienne O’Brien
Keep up the great work! From your fellow Hort at MBGNA.