The American Society of Mechanical Engineers has awarded James Duderstadt, president emeritus and University Professor of Science and Engineering, the 2016 Ralph Coats Roe Medal, which honors those who have advanced the public appreciation for engineers. The award committee cited his outstanding public service as a professor and university administrator; for leadership roles in defining the science and technology agenda for the nation; and for efforts to grow underrepresented groups in our institutions. Duderstadt will give a lecture at the society’s annual meeting.
Anne Mondro, associate professor of art and design at the Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design, has received the 2015 Rosalinde Gilbert Innovations in Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiving Legacy Award in the Creative Expression category. The national award, granted by The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation and Family Caregiver Alliance, is in recognition of the Stamps Memory, Aging & Expressive Arts community engagement course. It pairs students with members of the U-M Geriatric Center’s Mild Memory Loss Programs to share experiences and embrace artistic expression.