Obituary: LaRue T. Hosmer


LaRue T. Hosmer, professor emeritus of corporate strategy at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business, died Feb. 23 at the age of 86.

Hosmer was a member of the Ross faculty community and a visionary educator. He pioneered entrepreneurial education at Ross and was a leading expert on new ventures, writing business plans, and business ethics. The book he co-authored in 1977, “The Entrepreneurial Function: Text and Cases on Smaller Firms,” was a seminal work in the field.

A World War II Marine Corps veteran, Hosmer embodied the Michigan Ross mission of developing leaders who make a positive difference in the world. He taught the first section of Entrepreneurial Management in 1971, his approach formed by his own experience as the founder of a business. He also introduced a course in managerial ethics in 1988.

Hosmer was a great believer in interdisciplinary work, and created the Hosmer Faculty Luncheons (now known as the Hosmer-Hall Interdisciplinary Research Luncheons) as a way for all Ross faculty members to meet, showcase research, and promote new collaborations.

Though he retired from Ross in 1996, he remained active teaching and writing. His most recent book, “Avoiding Corporate Breakdowns: The Nature and Extent of Managerial Responsibility,” was published last year.

Hosmer’s father was one of the first professors at Harvard Business School, and his mother graduated from Wellesley College. He earned his bachelor’s degree, master of business administration and Ph.D. from Harvard.

The family requests donations in his name to the educational nonprofit of your choice.

— Submitted by Alison Davis-Blake, dean, Stephen M. Ross School of Business


  1. Wade Lnenicka
    on May 22, 2014 at 7:08 am

    Mr. Hosmer was my favorite professor when I received my MBA in 1978. He had a passion and joy about his work that made me want to be around him and in his class. I also understood him as a fellow Veteran. He was always willing to help us students and he was a great teacher. I was very saddened to learn of his passing in Spring 2014 issue of Dividend Magazine. RIP Mr. Hosmer and my condolences to his family.

    • Jill Hosmer
      on February 17, 2015 at 7:42 pm

      Thank you for your nice comment. I appreciate your rememberance of him as we approach the one year anniversary of his death.

  2. Sue Adelman
    on December 7, 2015 at 5:47 pm

    A late but heart felt comment. We lived next to Professor Hosmer during his retirement from the business school. A wonderful man, neighbor, and friend. The kids always loved his fresh baked cookies at Halloween. Many wonderful memories of a man that lived his beliefs.

  3. Chuck Houy
    on November 2, 2016 at 5:29 pm

    Dr. Hosmer was quietly one of the very best professors at Michigan. He was the main reason I re-started my MBA in 1975, when I was looking for insights into small businesses, which I went on to manage and then create a new one. He also introduced me to my first employment after graduating in ’76, for which I am forever grateful. I only wish I could have told him this and more sooner. Thank you, Dr. Hosmer.

  4. Lawrence Clayton
    on March 3, 2017 at 6:23 pm

    I was not a business school student and knew Professor Hosmer for only a short time. Nonetheless, I remember him as fondly as anyone I met at the U of M. He exemplified the thoughtful and ethical life and, I think, made all of us who knew him want to live by the highest standards. I’ve thought of him frequently these last twenty years.

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