University launches new research support program


The University of Michigan is initiating a new research funding program that provides temporary support for qualified researchers who have received federal grant and contract stop-work orders.

The partnership between deans, executive vice presidents and the vice president for research and innovation offers up to six months of funding from a combination of central and unit resources. 

The funding is available to researchers “whose existing federal grants or contracts have experienced an unexpected termination or disruption to the current level of funding provided via an official stop work-order or non-compete renewal delay, or where funding delays would represent a risk to the health and safety of participants,” according to an email sent by university leaders to the research community on March 12.

Effective immediately, the program applies to all three U-M campuses, including Michigan Medicine.

“The deans, executive vice presidents, and the VPRI are working closely to offer a transition plan that would allow units to manage uncertainty related to funding stoppages, mitigate impacts to staff, and reduce risk to health and safety with respect to critical research already underway,” the email read.

The message was signed by President Santa J. Ono; Geoffrey S. Chatas, executive vice president and chief financial officer; Laurie K. McCauley, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs; Marshall S. Runge, executive vice president for medical affairs; and Arthur Lupia, interim vice president for research and innovation.

Provided that existing project funding has been exhausted, central funding can be accessed to support salaries, benefits, supplies, and other needed direct expenses.

The funding is intended to provide resources for units actively experiencing transitions related to funding stoppages and will not replace lost or delayed funds in their entirety nor provide long-term support. The program also does not apply to activities that are not currently funded.

Researchers are encouraged to work with their research office to learn more about the program and the application process. The relevant executive vice president, vice president for research and innovation and unit lead — meaning dean, director or chair — will review each application and make a recommendation. Funding decisions will be made by the EVPs, under recommendation from deans/directors and VPRI.

University leaders are encouraging individuals to share any stop-work orders with the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects within the Office of the Vice President for Research. Researchers should continue to visit the OVPR and Public Affairs websites to stay up to date on the latest federal orders and changes.

“Research at University of Michigan — your research — serves the world and sets the standard, and we are grateful for your continued leadership, scholarship and partnership,” the email concludes.


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