The Angell Hall computing site will be closed May 1-Sept. 3 for its first significant upgrade since opening in 1988.
The Board of Regents approved the $4.4 million renovation project during its December 2012 meeting.
The work will update approximately 32,000 gross square feet of space to expand the computing site and provide new furniture, improve accessibility, refurbish the computer classrooms on site, and install a new raised flooring system for maximum future flexibility.
The renovation also will include an additional entrance to help improve traffic flow in and out of the computing area, and upgraded mechanical and life-safety systems.
Information and Technology Services has identified a number of alternative computing labs for use during the renovations. They are:
• Michigan Union basement.
• Michigan League, Cyber Lounge, Room B5.
• Shapiro Undergraduate Library, Room 1000.
• Palmer Commons, Windows Lounge, Room 3025.
• Palmer Commons, Plaza Room, Room 3021.
• Pharmacy Student Lounge, Room 1540, C.C. Little.
• Science Learning Center, Chemistry Building, Room 1720.
• Caident, Dental School, Room B344.
For more information on alternative computing labs, site hours, etc., go to: