Regents Roundup


The following items were approved by the Board of Regents at its Jan. 19 meeting.

Kraus auditorium to be updated

A renovation in the Edward Henry Kraus Building is planned that will update the building’s auditorium space to current life safety and accessibility code requirements, provide accessible seating and accessibility improvements, update finishes, replace the seating, update the life safety, mechanical, electrical and lighting systems, and provide power for seating in the lower tier. Resources from LSA and the Office of the Provost will fund the $1.7 million project that is scheduled to be completed this summer.

Northwood Apartments to get fire alarm and boiler upgrades

The Northwood Apartments I, II, and III student housing complex will receive a new central fire alarm system to replace the existing stand-alone smoke detectors, and the boilers used to heat the complex will be replaced to improve operating efficiency, reduce energy use and provide increased reliability. The $7.5 million project is being funded from Housing resources and is scheduled to be completed by next summer.

Final approval for Yost Ice Arena project

The regents authorized issuing bids and awarding construction contracts for a $14 million project that will replace spectator seating, update infrastructure and improve fan amenities at Yost Ice Arena. Athletic Department resources are funding the project, scheduled to be completed this fall.


Faculty appointments with tenure

Brian Athey, professor of computational medicine and bioinformatics, and transfer of tenure to professor of computational medicine and bioinformatics, Medical School, effective Jan. 2.

Dr. Steven Bolling, transfer of appointment to professor of cardiac surgery, Department of Cardiac Surgery, effective Jan. 2.

Dr. Edward Bove, transfer of title and tenure to professor of cardiac surgery, effective Jan. 2.

Dr. Michael Deeb, transfer of appointment to professor of cardiac surgery, Department of Cardiac Surgery, effective Jan. 2.

Dr. Eric Devaney, transfer of appointment to associate professor of cardiac surgery, Department of Cardiac Surgery, effective Jan. 2.

* William J. Glover, associate professor of history, LSA, effective Jan. 1, 2012.

Dr. Paul P. Lee, professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences, effective Feb. 1.

Dr. Richard Ohye, transfer of appointment to associate professor of cardiac surgery, Department of Cardiac Surgery, effective Jan. 2.

Dr. Gilbert Omenn, professor of computational medicine and bioinformatics, Medical School, effective Jan. 2.

Dr. Francis Pagani, Ph.D., transfer of appointment to professor of cardiac surgery, Department of Cardiac Surgery, effective Jan. 2.

Dr. Himanshu Patel, transfer of appointment to associate professor of cardiac surgery, Department of Cardiac Surgery, effective Jan. 2.

Anne Sales, professor of nursing, School of Nursing, effective Jan. 1.

Margaret Westfall, transfer of appointment to associate professor of cardiac surgery, Department of Cardiac Surgery, effective Jan. 2.

Yang Zhang, transfer of appointment and tenure to associate professor of computational medicine and bioinformatics, Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, effective Jan. 2.

Named professorships

* Ravi Anupindi, David B. Hermelin Professor of Business Administration, Stephen M. Ross School of Business, effective Jan. 1, 2012-Dec. 31, 2016.

Dr. Paul P. Lee, Bruce Fralick Professor of Ophthalmology, effective Feb. 1, 2012-Jan. 31, 2017.

* Dr. George Mychaliska, Robert Bartlett, M.D. Collegiate Professor of Pediatric Surgery, Medical School, effective Jan. 1, 2012-Aug. 31, 2016.

* Dr. Sanjay Saint, George Dock Collegiate Professor of Internal Medicine, Medical School, effective Jan. 1, 2012- Aug. 31, 2016.

** Carolyn Sampselle, Carolyne K. Davis Collegiate Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing, effective Jan. 1, 2012-Dec. 31, 2016.

* Melanie Sanford, Moses Gomberg Collegiate Professor of Chemistry, LSA, effective Jan. 1, 2012-Dec. 31, 2016.

* Dr. Jon Sekiya, Larry S. Matthews, M.D. Collegiate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical School, effective Jan. 1, 2012-Aug. 31, 2016.

* John Tesmer, Cyrus Levinthal Collegiate Professor in the Life Sciences, Medical School, effective Jan. 1, 2012-Aug. 31, 2016.

* Dr. Thomas Wakefield, James C. Stanley Professor of Vascular Surgery, Medical School, effective Feb. 1, 2012-Aug. 31, 2016.

Brian Weatherson, Marshall M. Weinberg Professor of Philosophy, LSA, correction to effective date of new appointment to Jan. 1, 2012-Dec. 31, 2018.

Administrative appointments

Brian Athey, chair, Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, effective Jan. 2.

Dr. Edward Bove, chair, Department of Cardiac Surgery, effective Jan. 2.

* George Garcia, chair, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, effective Jan. 1, 2012-Dec. 31, 2014.

* Sharon Kardia, senior associate dean for administration, School of Public Health, effective Feb. 1, 2012-Jan. 31, 2015.

Dr. Paul Lee, chair, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Medical School, effective Feb. 1, 2012-Jan. 31, 2017.

Kenneth Pienta, associate vice president for research-health sciences, Office of the Vice President for Research, effective Jan. 1, 2012-Dec. 31, 2014.

* Denotes joint or additional appointment

** Denotes reappointment

Dearborn Campus

Lee Redding, interim dean, College of Business, effective Jan. 1, 2012-June 30, 2012.


Vincent Abreu, research professor, Space Physics Research Laboratory, and lecturer, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, College of Engineering, effective Aug. 31, 2011. Abreu joined the faculty in 1977, left in 1993, and returned in 1999. He was co-investigator and project scientist for the High Resolution Doppler Imager, and played an important role in establishing information systems for sustainable development in Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe. Abreu also was a consultant for organizations including the World Bank and the United Nations, and has been a member or chair of nine NASA committees. At U-M, Abreu taught and chaired the committees for seven doctoral candidates.

Bernadine Cimprich, associate professor of nursing in the School of Nursing, effective Jan. 31. She joined the faculty in 1993. Cimprich’s research focused on cognitive problems in women treated with chemotherapy for breast cancer and on interventions to improve quality of survivorship. She has a national and international reputation for scholarly leadership. Within the School of Nursing, she taught students at all levels and participated in numerous funded research projects. She directed several initiatives at the Comprehensive Cancer Center and supervised master’s student research projects and doctoral dissertations. Cimprich was inducted as a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, and twice received the Best Original Research Award by the journal Cancer Nursing.

Margaret Scisney-Matlock, professor of nursing in the School of Nursing, effective Jan. 31. She joined the faculty in 1993. Scisney-Matlock’s scholarship focused on the nursing care of adults with the clinical diagnosis of essential hypertension. She also studied the measurement of cognitive representations of health behaviors as a basis for a theoretically derived cognitive-behavioral intervention for improving blood pressure in women from diverse populations. Her scholarly publications in highly regarded journals including Hypertension and Applied Nursing Research are recognized as critical contributions to the understanding of these issues. Scisney-Matlock’s administrative contributions to the school include serving as director of the Division of Acute, Critical, and Long-Term Care Programs.


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