U-M United Way campaign seeks to raise $1.3 million

Today marks the beginning of the 2011 U-M United Way Charitable Giving Campaign. This year’s campaign co-chairs — Phil Hanlon, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, and Douglas Strong, CEO of the U-M Hospitals and Health Centers — have set a goal of $1.3 million.

The campaign runs through Nov. 18.

There are countless examples of how United Way helps individuals and families throughout the community.

Emily, a single mother of two, attends Washtenaw Community College’s nursing program and struggles to make ends meet. She needed help with child care costs. Through Child Care Network (CCN), a United Way-funded agency, Emily was able to get a reduced daily rate, making quality child care affordable and accessible. Last year, United Way provided $55,000 in child care scholarships, helping 38 children from 23 families to receive high-quality child care.

How can someone make a difference in the lives of their neighbors? By pledging a gift to United Way, donors make an important investment in their own community. United Way uses each dollar contributed to leverage state, federal, and private funds so that more people can be assisted. The greater the participation of the campus community, the more people in the community will be helped.

All employees who make a pledge are eligible for a campuswide weekly prize drawing. Those who donate $1,000 or more become members of the United Way Leadership Givers Association and are invited to attend a Leadership Givers Reception, hosted by President Mary Sue Coleman.

Gifts can be made via Wolverine Access, which links to a secure ePledge system. Sign into Wolverine Access and click on the link found in the announcement section of the staff and faculty page. Hard-copy pledge forms can be obtained at the U-M United Way Campaign website, www.uway.umich.edu, or by making an e-mail request to [email protected]. Go to the Facebook and Twitter pages to receive daily updates and information about campus United Way Campaign events.

(The Facebook page is at www.facebook.com/pages/University-of-Michigan-United-Way-Charitable-Campaign/124279104320513 and the Twitter account is @UMGovRel.)


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