Experts discuss uprisings in Middle East in round-table discussion

U-M scholars addressed the recent tensions in the Middle East that have led to widespread unrest and political instability, and offered criticism of the U.S. media’s coverage of those events in Egypt, Tunisia and other countries, during a program at the International Institute.

During the Feb. 7 round-table discussion “Struggle Against Authoritarian Rule in the Middle East,” Juan Cole, Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History, said he was outraged because U.S. news coverage depends on the advertising revenue it will generate. While there was coverage of subsequent protests in Cairo, “The corporate media blew off Tunisia,” he said, referring to earlier protests there.

Mark Tessler, vice provost for international affairs and Samuel J. Eldersveld Collegiate Professor of Political Science, said, “The U.S. administration is struggling with, and hasn’t decided, what is in our interest.” Panelists said the United States seeks to support the people, but also seeks to head off unrest that could lead to the closing of the Suez Canal, through which petroleum is shipped to fuel the U.S. economy.

Polling in several Middle Eastern countries shows 85-90 percent support some form of democracy, Tessler said. “Nobody supports going back to the (Gamal Abdel) Nasser system, or the Iranian model.” He said people want a government that cares for them and is accountable.

Susan Waltz, professor of public policy, said the United States should seek opportunities to work with moderate Muslims such as those in Tunisia, and “to view Islam in forms other than jihadists and al-Qaida.”

Throughout the Middle East, she said, “The hope is for a fair shake, for equal access to employment opportunities.” She said that in Tunisia there is an opportunity for the world to see if “a more moderate type of Islam can take part in the political panoply.”

Joshua Cole, associate professor of history, said, “If we want to see a viable democratic movement all actors must be present,” including trade unions and other segments of society.

Nadine Naber, assistant professor, Program in American Culture and Department of Women’s Studies, discussed the role of women in the uprisings. She showed a YouTube video posted by Asmaa Mahfouz that observers say was key in helping to draw Egyptians to the protests in Cairo. “We’ll go down and demand our human rights, our fundamental human rights,” Mahfouz proclaimed in the video.

During this time of street demonstrations, Naber said, one protestor blogged that this is the first time she was not bothered by Cairo police, whom she said are known for sexual harassment of women. She also criticized the news media for focusing news reports on the role of men in demonstrations.

Phillip Potter, assistant professor of public policy and political science, said one learns from the protests that governments can’t effectively turn off the Internet. “This is a real challenge for authoritarian regimes,” he said.

Juan Cole said that while the upper classes are doing well, “Rising expectations are blocked. The middle class can’t make its way in, and then you have trouble.” Cole said the ruling class is not going to go quietly. “The big question is can they damp this thing down, or will it keep going?”

“There’s general agreement that the media in the U.S. has totally failed us,” said alumna Karen Deslierres of Ann Arbor, following the program. The media focuses too much on superficial entertainment and fails to adequately educate citizens, she said.

The discussion, conducted by the International Institute, was sponsored by the Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies, and the Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies.


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