ITS Help Desk offers general, administrative computing support

In an effort to more seamlessly respond to IT-related inquiries, Information and Technology Services (ITS) announces the creation of the ITS Help Desk.

The new help desk integrates 4-HELP, Administrative (MAIS) Help Desk, and Accounts Office — making additional computing support accessible via the phone number 734-764-4357 (4-HELP).

“The creation of ITS brought together three well-respected customer service functions — each with its own identity and phone number,” says Laura Patterson, associate vice president for ITS and chief information officer. “By joining these groups together, we took an important step in establishing a cohesive approach to providing service to our customers.”

The new ITS Help Desk offers 24-hour password resets for administrative systems and Kerberos. Users also can call to report system outages and significant performance issues.

A single help desk number is just one of the initiatives resulting from the formation of ITS. The organization is focused on providing better, centralized IT service to the campus community.

For more information about the new ITS Help Desk, e-mail [email protected].


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