Police Beat


May 2007 crime map>

Student knocked to ground by assailant, reward offered

The family of a U-M student who was knocked to the ground June 15 in front of the Michigan Union by an unknown man has offered a reward of up to $300 for information leading to the suspect’s arrest. Witnesses reported to campus police that as the victim and her friend were having their picture taken by a passer-by around 2:35 a.m., an unknown man tried to join the group. After they told him to go away, he reportedly shoved the student and walked off. But when the student yelled after him that he couldn’t do that, the suspect hit the woman and she collapsed.

The Department of Public Safety (DPS) issued a crime alert to the campus community that morning which included a picture of the suspect running down South University Avenue. One of the witnesses had thought to snap a picture of the man. He is described as a light-skinned man of unknown race in his early to mid-20s, 5’8″- 5’10” with a medium build, short, dark hair and a possible goatee. He was last seen wearing a baggy, white t-shirt; blue jeans; white shoes and a white baseball hat.

Anyone with information about this incident or suspect is asked to call DPS at (734) 763-1131 or the University’s confidential tip line at (800) 863-1355.

Two burglaries reported in May

Two campus building break-ins were reported in May, including one in which several thousand dollars was reported missing. A staff member at G.G. Brown reported May 28 that cash and checks totaling approximately $6,000 were missing from a drawer in his office. He told police he had left his office locked on May 22, but found the door open when he returned on May 26. The cash and checks were donations for a foundation.

On May 15, a construction worker at the Ross School of Business site told police that when he arrived for work, he discovered damage to the construction site fencing and doors of a nearby temporary building used for an employee break area. Nothing was reported missing.

Sexual assault reported by patient

A 48-year-old woman told police May 18 that she had been sexually assaulted by an unknown hospital employee 10 days earlier when she was being treated at the University Hospital Emergency Room. The incident is still under investigation.

Patient attacks patient

A 25-year-old University Hospital patient sustained head and facial injuries May 9 when a 19-year-old patient attacked him with a water bottle. The victim told police he had confronted the younger man about not smoking in the cafeteria. The suspect reportedly followed the older man to his room where the attack occurred

Trash can fire at Shapiro put out by staff

A staff member at the Shapiro Undergraduate Library told police he discovered a small fire in a trash can in the men’s room shortly after 2 a.m. May 9. He used a fire extinguisher to put out the fire and damage was contained to the trash can.

Additional reports against social worker

A DPS investigation of a former University Hospital social worker has uncovered evidence of inappropriate behavior with a patient. DPS began an investigation in February in connection with allegations the man had had sexual relations with a patient. The newest discovery indicates possible involvement with a second patient from August through December of 2006. The investigation is continuing.


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