Editor’s note: The information for this story includes excerpts from the citations written from materials provided by the Rackham School of Graduate Studies, the Office of Research, the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, the National Center for Institutional Diversity and the University Press.
Thirty-one faculty members are being formally recognized Monday at the University of Michigan Museum of Art for their teaching, scholarship, service and creative activities.
Distinguished University Professorships recognize full or associate professors for exceptional scholarly or creative achievement, national and international reputation, and superior teaching skills. Created in 1947, each professorship bears a name determined by the appointive professor in consultation with her or his dean. Each professorship also carries an annual salary supplement of $5,000 and an annual research supplement of $5,000. The duration of the appointment is unlimited, and the title — without the salary and research supplements — may be retained after retirement. In addition, newly appointed Distinguished University Professors are expected to deliver an inaugural lecture. Recipients are:
• Gordon Amidon, William I. Higuchi Distinguished University Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Charles R. Walgreen, Jr. Professor of Pharmacy and professor of pharmaceutical sciences, College of Pharmacy.
• Charles L. Brooks III, Cyrus Levinthal Distinguished University Professor of Chemistry and Biophysics, Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis Professor of Chemistry, professor of chemistry, professor of biophysics and director of the Department of Biophysics, LSA.
• John Carethers, C. Richard Boland Distinguished University Professor of Internal Medicine and Human Genetics, John G. Searle Professor of Internal Medicine, professor of internal medicine, professor of human genetics and chair of the Department of Internal Medicine, Medical School.
• Mark Hunter, Earl E. Werner Distinguished University Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, LSA; professor of natural resources and environment, School for Environment and Sustainability.
• Martin Katz, Gwendolyn Koldofsky Distinguished University Professor of Music, Earl V. Moore Collegiate Professor of Music, Artur Schnabel Collegiate Professor of Music in Piano, professor of music, School of Music, Theatre & Dance.
• Sidonie Smith, Lorna G. Goodison Distinguished University Professor of English and Women’s Studies, professor of English language and literature, professor of women’s studies, LSA.
• Ralph Yang, John B. Fenn Distinguished University Professor of Engineering, Dwight F. Benton Professor of Chemical Engineering, professor of chemical engineering, College of Engineering.
Distinguished Faculty Achievement Awards honor senior faculty who consistently have demonstrated outstanding achievements in the areas of scholarly research or creative endeavors, teaching and mentoring of students and junior faculty, service and a variety of other activities. Up to five awards of $2,500 are made each year. Awardees are:
• Fatma Müge Göçek, professor of sociology and professor of women’s studies, LSA.
• Roman Hryciw, professor of civil and environmental engineering, College of Engineering.
• Daniel J. Klionsky, Alexander G. Ruthven Professor of Life Sciences and professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology, LSA; research professor, Life Sciences Institute.
• Marianetta Porter, professor of art and design, Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design.
• Mark Tessler, Samuel J. Eldersveld Collegiate Professor of Political Science and professor of political science, LSA; research professor, Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research.
The Distinguished Faculty Governance Award was established by the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs in 1986 and is funded by the Alumni Association. The criterion for the award is distinguished service to faculty governance over several years with an emphasis on universitywide service. A $1,500 stipend is presented. Awardee:
• Scott Masten, professor of business economics and public policy, Stephen M. Ross School of Business.
Faculty Recognition Awards are intended for faculty early in their careers who have demonstrated substantive contributions to the university through achievements in scholarly research or creative endeavors; excellence as a teacher, adviser and mentor; and distinguished participation in service activities of the university. Eligible candidates include full professors with no more than four years at that rank, associate professors and assistant professors. Up to five awards of $2,000 each are made each year. Recipients are:
• Bogdan Epureanu, professor of mechanical engineering, associate chair of the Department of Integrative Systems and Design, College of Engineering.
• Margherita Fontana, professor of dentistry, School of Dentistry.
• Anita Gonzalez, professor of theatre and drama, School of Music, Theatre & Dance.
• Jennifer Ogilvie, professor of physics and professor of biophysics, LSA.
• Stephanie Preston, associate professor of psychology, LSA.
Research Faculty Recognition Awards honor individuals who hold at least a 75 percent appointment at the rank of research associate professor, research assistant professor, associate research scientist or assistant research scientist. Selection criteria include exceptional scholarly achievements, as evidenced by publications or other scholarly activities in any academic field of study. There is a $1,000 stipend. Awardee:
• Inbal (Billie) Nahum-Shani, research associate professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research.
Research Faculty Achievement Awards honor individuals who hold at least a 75 percent appointment at the rank of research associate professor, research assistant professor, associate research scientist or assistant research scientist. Selection criteria include exceptional scholarly achievements, as evidenced by publications or other scholarly activities in any academic field of study. There is a $1,500 stipend. Awardee:
• Jingwen Hu, research associate professor, U-M Transportation Research Institute, research associate professor, College of Engineering.
The Collegiate Research Professorship Award honors exceptional scholarly achievement and impact on advancing knowledge in science, engineering, health, education, the arts, the humanities or other academic field of study. The recipient is presented $2,000 per year over five years. Awardee:
• Sarah Krein, research professor of internal medicine, Medical School; adjunct research professor, School of Nursing.
The Regents’ Award for Distinguished Public Service recognizes public service activities that relate closely to teaching and research and reflect professional and academic expertise. There is a $1,000 stipend. Awardee:
• Kevin Fu, associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science, College of Engineering.
The University of Michigan Press Book Award is presented to members of the university teaching and research staff, including emeritus members, whose books have added the greatest distinction to the Press List. Selections are made from books published within a span of two calendar years. The stipend is $1,500. Awardee:
• Jarrod Hayes, professor of French, LSA.
The University Librarian Achievement Award is presented for exceptional distinction reflected in active and innovative career achievements in library, archival or curatorial services. The recipient will receive a $1,500 stipend. Awardee:
• Marisa Conte, librarian, Taubman Health Sciences Library, University Library.
The University Librarian Recognition Award honors an individual who holds a primary faculty appointment as librarian, archivist or curator with no more than eight years’ practice in the profession. Selection criteria include active and innovative early-career achievements in library, archival or curatorial services. This may include developing specialized services for faculty and students, improving access to information or efficiently managing library and archival resources, or other activities. The recipient is presented $1,000. Awardee:
• Jo Angela Oehrli, learning librarian, Shapiro Undergraduate Library, University Library.
The Distinguished Diversity Scholar Career Award is a new faculty honor presented to a senior faculty member with the rank of full professor who has made important contributions to understanding diversity, equity and inclusion and addressing disparities in contemporary society. Each year the senior faculty member whose research, teaching, mentoring and public engagement focus on diversity will be selected to give the Distinguished Diversity Scholar lecture/performance addressing an aspect of diversity. The recipient is presented $10,000.
• James S. Jackson, Daniel Katz Distinguished University Professor of Psychology, professor of psychology, LSA; research professor, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research.
Bicentennial Faculty Governance Lifetime Achievement Awards are a one-time award presented to four former chairs of the Faculty Senate who have demonstrated a longtime commitment to faculty governance. Each recipient is presented $1,000.
• Kate Barald, professor of cell and developmental biology, Medical School; professor of biomedical engineering, College of Engineering.
• Charles F. Koopmann Jr., professor emeritus of otolaryngology-head and neck surgery and professor emeritus of pediatrics and communicable diseases, School of Medicine.
• Edward Rothman, professor emeritus of statistics, LSA.
• Nicholas H. Steneck, professor emeritus of history, LSA.
The Jackie Lawson Memorial Faculty Governance Award is presented to a faculty member who showcases exceptional distinction reflected in faculty governance service to the entire university that reaches beyond the local campus confines of Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint. This memorial award honors Jackie Lawson, a professor of English and communications at UM-Dearborn from 1985 to 2000. Lawson was deeply committed to faculty governance and to strengthening the relationships among the university’s three campuses. The recipient is presented $1,500.
• John S. Ellis, professor of history, College of Arts and Sciences, UM-Flint.
Distinguished University Professorship

Biopharmaceutical scientist Gordon Amidon is famous for elucidating the physicochemical and physiologic factors that govern oral drug absorption and for creating the Biopharmaceutics Classification System, which is used internationally to classify and regulate pharmaceuticals.
Amidon earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the State University of New York, and a Master of Arts degree and his Ph.D. from U-M. He joined the university’s faculty in 1983.
He was the first to characterize the concentration-dependent intestinal carrier-mediated transport mechanisms for the absorption of oral drugs across intestinal cell membranes. He also identified the intestinal mucosal cell-activating enzyme for several antiviral and anticancer drugs, opening a way for development of better absorbed medications.
He currently is researching new quality standards for oral pharmaceutical products that will improve drug product efficacy, make drug products less expensive and ensure the safety of pharmaceutical products worldwide. Amidon has published more than 350 papers and 370 abstracts, and co-edited eight books. He holds 18 U.S. patents and founded the biopharmaceutical company, Therapeutic Systems Research Laboratories.
Amidon has mentored more than 120 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows and chaired 60 dissertation committees. He is a founding editor and editor-in-chief of the American Chemical Society journal Molecular Pharmaceutics. He has served as president of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists and the Controlled Release Society. He also co-founded the international not-for-profit Drug Delivery Foundation.
In 2015, the Journal of Pharmaceutical dedicated a special issue to Amidon in recognition of his research. Among other accolades, he received the American Pharmacists Association Ebert Prize three times, the Controlled Release Society Founder’s Award, the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Volwilder Research Achievement Award and Distinguished Pharmaceutical Scientist Awards from the AAPS and the International Pharmaceutical Federation. He has received honorary degrees from Uppsala University in Sweden and the Miguel Hernández University of Elche in Spain.
Distinguished University Professorship

Charles Brooks is widely recognized for developing innovative theories, research tools, and computational methods to illuminate biological processes at the molecular level. His discoveries include insights into mitochondrial diseases, models to predict protein structure, and identification of the mechanism by which proteins fold — a crucial component to understanding Alzheimer’s and other protein-folding diseases.
Brooks earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Alma College and his Ph.D. from Purdue University. He joined the U-M faculty in 2008.
In addition to elucidating viral infectivity associated with pathogenic alphaviruses, Brooks identified the structural genesis of the ribosome and how pH controls the stress response of pathogenic bacteria in the human gut. He has accelerated biomolecular research by publicly sharing his innovative research tools, including the molecular simulator Chemistry at HARvard Macromolecular Mechanics. He has published more than 390 scholarly articles and co-authored the book “Proteins: A Theoretical Perspective of Dynamics, Structure, and Thermodynamics.”
As director of U-M’s Biophysics Program, Brooks introduced new undergraduate courses and developed two academic tracks for biophysics majors. He also serves on the leadership committee of the National Science Foundation-funded Protein Folding Consortium to train graduate and postgraduate students.
Brooks is an advisory board member for U-M’s Program in Chemical Biology, the Center for RNA Biomedicine and the Advanced Research Computing Advisory Team. He is president of the Protein Society, advises the National Research Council on supercomputing resources and is a reviewer for the National Institutes of Health and NSF. He helped organize the first Gordon Research Conference on Protein Folding Dynamics and will co-chair the 2019 Gordon Research Conference on Proteins.
Brooks is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Royal Society of Chemistry, and the Biophysical Society. He has been recognized with the Protein Society Hans Neurath Award, the International Society of Quantum Biology and Pharmacology Gilda Loew Memorial Lectureship, and the Computer World Smithsonian Award.
Distinguished University Professorship

From illuminating mechanisms of tumor progression to improving clinical care, physician scientist John Carethers is internationally recognized for his transformative advances in colorectal cancer genetics.
Carethers earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Wayne State University and his medical degree from Wayne State’s School of Medicine. He joined U-M’s faculty in 2009.
He was the first to show involvement of bone morphogenetic protein and activin signaling pathways in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer. His laboratory also clarified roles of DNA mismatch repair (MMR) in Lynch syndrome and in sporadic colorectal cancer, and co-developed a cell model that corrects MMR deficiency. He identified mechanisms involved in MMR recognition of the chemotherapy agent 5-fluorouracil, sparing patients whose cancers would not respond from receiving that treatment. He also mapped the genetic location for Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome. Carethers has published more than 200 articles and frequently lectures at medical schools and professional meetings.
Carethers has received the American Gastroenterological Association Gastrointestinal Oncology Section Research Mentor Award and Distinguished Mentor Award. He has advised 57 trainees in his laboratory and champions programs that engage minority students in research. Carethers is president-elect of the American Association of Physicians and chairs the Minorities in Research Council of the American Association for Cancer Research. He has served as senior associate editor of Gastroenterology, helped establish an internal medicine residency in Ethiopia, and serves on the U-M-Peking University Health Science Center Joint Institute executive committee.
Carethers is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, American Clinical and Climatological Association, American Society for Clinical Investigation, and the National Academy of Medicine. He has received the Wayne State School of Medicine Distinguished Alumni Award and the Laureate Award from the Michigan chapter of the American College of Physicians.
Distinguished University Professorship

Ecological scientist Mark Hunter is renowned for theories that reveal how components of ecosystems function in nature. An expert on plant-animal interactions, ecosystem ecology, biodiversity and population dynamics, he explores the effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and rising temperatures on Earth’s species and their habitats.
Hunter earned a Bachelor of Arts degree and his Ph.D. from the University of Oxford, and joined the U-M faculty in 2006.
His early studies of oak trees led to the publication of his frequently cited 1992 paper “Chutes & Ladders,” which provided a paradigm for exploring how plant quality influences ecological communities. He has demonstrated that loss of genetic diversity in plants leads to declines in soil fertility. Among his achievements, he devised a theory of the evolution of plant defense systems that is of significance to controlling insect pests and conserving endangered species.
He currently studies how interactions of species below ground affect the dynamics of plants, animals and disease above ground. He authored “The Phytochemical Landscape: Linking Trophic Interactions and Nutrient Dynamics,” co-authored two editions of “The Ecology of Insects: Concepts and Applications” and has published more than 140 articles. His research has been featured in several media outlets, including National Geographic, The Times of London and CNN.
Hunter founded the Frontiers Masters Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology to attract and retain minority students, and serves on the Rackham Graduate School’s Mentoring Others Results in Excellence Committee. He receives stellar reviews in large-enrollment introductory courses and advanced courses, and has mentored 45 undergraduates and 16 graduate students at U-M.
Among other honors, Hunter, an Ecological Society of America fellow, received the Rackham Master’s Mentoring Award, U-M’s Distinguished Diversity Leaders Award, the Imes and Moore Faculty Award for contributions to diversity, and a National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award.
Distinguished University Professorship

Pianist, conductor and educator Martin Katz has accompanied celebrated artists in major concert venues around the world and has trained hundreds of singers and pianists. Hailed as Accompanist of the Year by Musical America and as the “gold standard of accompanists” by The New York Times, Katz has raised the professional stature of accompanists and impacted music performance globally.
Katz earned a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Southern California and in 1983, he joined the U-M faculty.
He has performed at Carnegie Hall, the Salzburg Festival, La Scala in Milan, and the Paris Opera, as well as accompanied scores of artists at Hill Auditorium under the auspices of the University Musical Society. Along with touring extensively on five continents, Katz has appeared and recorded with several musical greats, including Cecilia Bartoli, Kathleen Battle, José Carreras, David Daniels, Marilyn Horne, Kiri Te Kanawa and Renata Tebaldi.
Katz has edited operas by Rossini and Handel for performance by the Houston Grand Opera, National Opera in Ottawa and The Metropolitan Opera in New York. He led opera productions for the BBC, Tokyo’s NHK broadcasting and the Merola Opera Program in San Francisco. His textbook, “The Complete Collaborator: The Pianist as Partner,” is considered the seminal guide for singers and pianists.
Katz has chaired the School of Music, Theatre & Dance’s collaborative piano program for more than three decades. He has conducted more than 30 student operatic productions. While his Doctor of Musical Arts graduates teach at top music schools, his collaborative piano graduates excel at leading companies such as the Paris Conservatoire.
Among other accolades, Katz received U-M’s Harold Haugh Teaching Award and Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award a well as several honorary doctorates. He is the first non-Scandinavian to be a docent at Finland’s Sibelius Academy.
Distinguished University Professorship

Humanities scholar Sidonie Smith was one of the early founders of life writing studies, a young and vibrant field of literary study that explores the complex dynamics of the stories people tell of themselves and of others. She has significantly influenced women’s studies, feminist theory and the study of literature and human rights. As the president of the Modern Language Association in 2010, Smith launched a national conversation about graduate education and humanities scholarship that has broadened definitions of the form and purpose of scholarly work.
Smith earned Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees from U-M and received her Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University. She joined the U-M faculty in 1996.
At U-M, she directed the Women’s Studies Department, chaired the Department of English, and, from 2012-17, directed the Institute for the Humanities. Smith spearheaded the formation of the MLA Task Force on Doctoral Education, which recommended changes to doctoral programs including new dissertation forms.
Her efforts to transform doctoral education culminated in her influential “Manifesto for the Humanities: Transforming Doctoral Education in Good Enough Times,” which argues for a deeper engagement with technology, an expansive concept of scholarly communication, the validation of diverse careers, and revised recruitment and admission practices to increase the number of scholars in small fields and from underrepresented groups.
Smith has authored five books, co-authored four others, co-edited six books and two anthologies and published more than 70 articles. Smith has taught 19 different U-M courses, including a cross-listed course she designed about autobiography, gender and the medical body. She has also chaired or served on 40 doctoral dissertation committees.
Smith has received seven international fellowships, including Fulbright and Rockefeller Foundation fellowships, and has held multiple residencies at universities in Australia, Canada, Italy, New Zealand and elsewhere. She received a U-M Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award in 2015.
Distinguished University Professorship

Renowned for his groundbreaking discoveries rooted in the core chemical engineering areas of separations and catalysis, Ralph Yang is a leading academic expert in sorption-based separations — tools crucial to solving society’s pressing energy and environmental challenges.
Yang received a Bachelor of Science degree from National Taiwan University, and earned his Master of Science degree and Ph.D. from Yale University. He joined the U-M faculty in 1995 as the chair of the Department of Chemical Engineering.
He discovered sorbents that separate olefins from paraffins in petrochemical processing and sorbents that remove sulfur compounds from petroleum products. As a leader of the U.S. Department of Energy Carbon-Based Hydrogen Storage Center of Excellence, he developed catalysts to improve hydrogen storage, a key step toward achieving a hydrogen-based economy. He also invented the first small-pore zeolite catalyst to decompose nitric oxide resulting from fossil fuel combustion.
Yang has published 420 papers as well as the books “Gas Separation by Adsorption Processes” and “Adsorbents: Fundamentals and Applications.”
An outstanding adviser and mentor, Yang’s more than 40 Ph.D. graduates excel in key positions in academia and industry. He directed the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Separation Division and the International Adsorption Society, edited the Imperial College Press Chemical Engineering Series, and has served on 11 journal editorial boards. He holds 33 patents.
Yang is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Inventors, and a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The AIChE has recognized him with its William H. Walker Award for Excellence in Contributions to Chemical Engineering Literature, Institute Award for Excellence in Industrial Gases Technology, and Clarence (Larry) G. Gerhold Award. He also is the recipient of the American Chemical Society Award in Separations Science and Technology, the American Carbon Society SGL Carbon Award, and a U-M Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award.
Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

Internationally renowned sociologist Fatma Göçek studies how and why states and societies deny collective violence embedded in their past. Her work is shaping research on collective memory, gender, human rights, Islam and modernity across disciplines, as well as informing discussions about the 1915-17 Armenian genocide.
Göçek earned Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees from Bosporus University in Turkey, as well as a Master of Arts degree and Ph.D. from Princeton University. She joined the U-M faculty in 1988.
Göçek’s books have covered various topics including Ottoman interactions with France, the role of social classes in the late Ottoman period and how minorities were eliminated from the Turkey body politic when it went from an empire to a nation-state. In her book “Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present, and Collective Violence Against the Armenians, 1789-2009,” she argues that state elites have denied ethnic cleansing so forcefully that few Turkish people have access to accurate information about the violence that accompanied the birth of modern Turkey. The book received the American Sociological Association Culture Section’s Mary Douglas Best Book Award and the association’s Comparative Historical Section’s Barrington Moore Best Book Award Honorable Mention.
Göçek has edited six other books and has written 57 articles and book chapters. She has given more than 145 presentations, frequently shares her work in op-ed pieces and interviews and has served on the editorial board of the Middle East Studies Association’s flagship journal for 10 years.
A former director of undergraduate and graduate studies in the sociology department, Göçek mentors graduate students from various backgrounds, and has chaired or served on 16 dissertation committees. She serves on the advisory board of the Gender and Violence Studies Center at the University of Sulaimani in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. She is a reviewer for several organizations, including the European Science Foundation, Israel Science Foundation, National Academy of Education, National Science Foundation, numerous university presses and 10 scholarly journals.
Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

Civil engineering professor Roman Hryciw is known for his novel image-based testing methods and computer algorithms to characterize earth materials. His systems are faster, cleaner, and more accurate, economical and environmentally friendly than conventional soil testing methods. They are used in the design of foundations, dams, tunnels, landfills, and other civil and environmental engineering works.
A U-M faculty member since 1986, Hryciw earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Drexel University, and a Master of Science degree and Ph.D. from Northwestern University. He invented the Vision Cone Penetrometer, which makes it possible to determine soil texture without costly physical sampling and eliminates the need to store samples. Hryciw also revolutionized the way engineers determine particle size distribution. He has authored 128 publications and consults with businesses and government agencies globally.
Hryciw has received numerous awards, including the James M. Robbins Excellence in Teaching Award, the Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Department Teaching Award, the John F. Ullrich Education Excellence Award, the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Arthur Casagrande Professional Development Award and Thomas A. Middlebrooks Award, the North American Geosynthetics Society Grand Award of Excellence and the United States Universities Council on Geotechnical Education and Research Outstanding Service Award. He has chaired 17 Ph.D. dissertation committees and served on many others.
In addition to serving on the CEE department’s executive committee, Hryciw chaired the Senate Advisory Student Relations Committee. Nationally, he has chaired numerous American Society of Civil Engineers Geo-Institute committees and was editor-in-chief of the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. He also chaired the ASCE Geo-Institute Technical Coordinating Council, which oversees the work of 20 technical committees.
Hryciw is president of the Detroit Branch of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. He actively supports, develops and leads scouting programs for boys and girls in Ukraine, and he has served as principal and board member of the School of Ukrainian Language and Culture of Detroit.
Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

Cell biologist Daniel Klionsky is renowned for his pioneering contributions to the understanding of autophagy, the process by which cells break down to survive stress conditions such as starvation, and the role autophagy plays in cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and other areas of human health.
Klionsky earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Ph.D. in biological sciences from Stanford University. He joined the U-M faculty in 2000.
Working with baker’s yeast cells, Klionsky characterized the protein pathways and signaling mechanisms by which a cell senses and responds to its environment. He also identified the cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting pathway, a type of selective autophagy. His lab was the first to demonstrate endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced autophagy and autophagy in zebrafish.
Klionsky established the unified autophagy-related nomenclature for the field in 2003. He edited the first textbook on the topic and is founding editor of the journal Autophagy. The holder of two patents, Klionsky has edited five books, published more than 340 research papers, and given more than 140 invited talks.
The first biologist to win the National Science Foundation Director’s Award for Distinguished Teaching Scholars, Klionsky incorporates a hands-on approach to teaching biology that features short, frequent quizzes and problem-solving activities. He also incorporates music, art and dance. He recently received funding from U-M’s Third Century Initiative to create a three-dimensional handout to engage students with visual disability and others through tactile stimulation.
Klionsky is a member of the Life Sciences Institute Executive Committee and the Provost’s Tenure and Promotion Review Committee. He co-chaired the first Gordon Research Conference and Keystone Symposium focused on autophagy. Klionsky received the University of Utrecht’s van Deenen Medal and a Rackham Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award. He is an American Association for the Advancement of Science fellow and an honorary professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

Mixed media artist Marianetta Porter is widely recognized for her pathbreaking art and scholarship grounded in the study of African-American history, culture and representation. Through art, she draws correlations between historic memory and modern African-American life, giving voice to the history of the diaspora and its influence on American culture. She also exemplifies the power of art to confront social justice issues and spark social change.
Porter, who earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hampton University and a Master of Fine Arts degree in textile design from U-M, joined the university’s faculty in 1995.
She has exhibited her sculptures and works on paper in more than 50 galleries and museums, including venues in China and Germany, as well as Charleston’s Spoleto Festival, the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, the Indianapolis Museum of Art, and the Harriet Tubman Museum. U-M’s Department of Afroamerican and African Studies featured her acclaimed solo exhibition Color Code in its GalleryDAAS in 2016.
As the Stamps School’s foundation coordinator, Porter enhanced the curriculum and built a database of instructional videos, reading material and visual resources for foundation courses. She played a key role in the school’s collaboration with the Horizons-Upward Bound program, which brought together Stamps students and Detroit teenagers to foster exposure to and engagement with the visual arts, and partnered with other organizations in the city to help young people explore opportunities through art. She also has worked with Detroit residents to renovate a public play park.
Porter has served on numerous university committees and task forces, including the Provost’s Committee for the Arts of Citizenship and the Stamps School executive committee. She helped launch Stamps in Color, which received the 2016 MLK Spirit Award for increasing diversity and inclusion on campus. She has received numerous honors, including the Atlanta Life National Arts Competition Award, the Smithsonian Laureate Award, the Smithsonian Senior Research Fellowship Award, the Rockwood Fellowship and the Helmut Stern Fellowship from U-M’s Institute for the Humanities.
Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

Middle East and North Africa expert Mark Tessler is considered the global authority on public opinion in the Arab world. Through his Arab Barometer public opinion surveys, hailed by Foreign Policy as the gold standard for survey research in that region, he has clarified Arab views on democracy, gender, governance, international conflict and political Islam. His research has debunked many stereotypes about Arab attitudes and values.
Tessler earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Case Western Reserve University and his Ph.D. from Northwestern University. He joined the U-M faculty in 2001.
Tessler has conducted research in Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia, and has taught at universities in West and Central Africa. He has authored or edited 15 scholarly volumes, and The New York Times named his book “A History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” a Notable Book of the Year.
Additionally, Tessler has written 128 chapters and journal articles, given more than 90 presentations at universities and currently edits one of the leading university press book series on the Middle East. He shares his expertise with many organizations, including the World Bank, the United Nations and the U.S. State Department.
Tessler teaches popular courses and seminars on Middle Eastern politics, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and comparative political analysis. He has served on 23 dissertation committees at U-M, chairing or co-chairing 12. Tessler directed the Institute for Social Research’s Center for Political Studies from 2003-04 and the International Institute from 2005-10. He served as vice provost for international affairs from 2005-13.
Tessler is past president of the American Institute for Maghrib Studies and the Association for Israel Studies. Among other honors, his Arab Barometer received the American Political Science Association’s Lijphart/Przeworski/Verba Award for the best new dataset in comparative politics.
Distinguished Faculty Governance Award

Former Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs Chair Scott Masten has been active in U-M faculty governance for 25 years. As a SACUA member and chair of the Faculty Senate, Senate Assembly and SACUA, he worked to strengthen the fairness and transparency of university policies and procedures related to faculty performance and conduct.
Masten, a leading scholar in the area of transaction cost economics, earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Dartmouth College and a Master of Arts degree and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Pennsylvania. He joined the U-M faculty in 1984. His research focuses on issues at the intersection of law, economics, and organization, including applications to contracting, the organization of firms, and university governance.
Masten became active in faculty governance in 1992, first as a member and then as chair of the Committee on the Economic Status of the Faculty. He worked with the Office of the Provost to develop compensation policy guidelines for faculty and research scientists. Masten also has chaired the Senate Assembly Rules Committee and sat on the Senate Assembly Budget Study Committee, the Administration Evaluation Committee and the SACUA Grievance Procedures Task Force.
While on SACUA, he served as liaison to the Provost’s Advisory Committee on Budgetary Affairs and as an ex officio member of the Advisory Board on Intercollegiate Athletics and the Academic Performance Committee. He currently chairs the Rules, Practices, and Policies Committee. Masten also was a member-at-large of the executive committee for the U-M chapter of the American Association of University Professors.
Masten has served on numerous committees at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business. He is a founding board member and a past president of the Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics. He also co-edits the Journal of Economics & Management Strategy and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Law, Economics and Organization and Managerial and Decision Economics.
Faculty Recognition Award

Nonlinear dynamics expert Bogdan Epureanu blends novel research methods and theory in linear and nonlinear dynamics from the nano- to macro-scale. His models and algorithms have enhanced the understanding and functioning of biological and epidemiological systems, aerospace and automotive structures, and turbomachinery.
Epureanu, who earned a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Duke University, has directed the Applied Nonlinear Dynamics of Multi-Scale Systems Lab since joining the U-M faculty in 2002.
With his team, he has created mechano-chemical models of nanoscale intracellular transport processes, developed highly-sensitive diagnosis and monitoring techniques, and discovered ways to forecast tipping points in ecological and other complex systems. He has developed models of multiphysics systems such as lithium-ion batteries and created advanced system identification and control methodologies for smart structures. Epureanu holds four patents and has published 118 journal papers and 152 conference papers.
Ranked by students as one of mechanical engineering’s top professors, Epureanu is founding program director of U-M’s new Master’s of Engineering in Systems Engineering and Design program. He has advised or co-advised 31 master degree and 26 doctoral students and has supervised the research of 62 undergraduates. Epureanu founded the Forecasting Club, a student group that works to reduce the risk of catastrophic events such as malaria epidemics.
His service record includes chairing American Society of Mechanical Engineering committees, co-chairing the 2017 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, and serving as associate editor of the Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. He also is founding president of the Michigan chapter of the International Council on Systems Engineering.
Epureanu is an ASME fellow and the recipient of numerous honors, including the College of Engineering John F. Ullrich Education Excellence Award and 1938E Award, the American Society for Engineering Education Ferdinand P. Beer and E. Russell Johnston Jr. Outstanding New Mechanics Educator Award, and a National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award.
Faculty Recognition Award

Dentist and clinical researcher Margherita Fontana plays a leading role in improving oral health globally through early caries detection and risk-based prevention. She promotes fluoride and sealant use and works to reduce disparities in caries experience in low-income children.
Fontana, who earned a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the Central University of Venezuela and a Ph.D. from Indiana University, joined the U-M faculty in 2009.
Working with clinics, Fontana delivers health education, conducts clinical studies and trains health care providers to deliver caries preventive interventions. She helps lead the Michigan Caries Prevention Program and heads a multisite study to develop a caries risk-assessment tool for use in medical settings.
She also leads one of the first randomized clinical trials in the United States studying the antimicrobial liquid silver diamine fluoride, which is brushed on cavities to stop tooth decay. Fontana has authored 97 journal articles and nine book chapters and spoken at 170 national and international conferences.
As co-coordinator of the school’s cariology curriculum, Fontana co-directs two evidence-based cariology courses and has received Center for Research on Learning and Teaching grants to develop and improve the teaching of cariology. The Journal of Dental Education recognized her contributions to the development of a competency-based core cariology curriculum for U.S. dental schools.
Fontana helps lead the Cariology Section of the American Dental Education Association and the Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future Canada-U.S. Chapter. She is a past president of the International Association for Dental Research Cariology Section and serves on key committees of the IADR and the American Dental Association.
Among other honors, Fontana is a fellow of the American College of Dentists and the Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine Program for Women. She also received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the E.W. Borrows Memorial Award and the Basil G. Bibby Young Investigator Award from the IADR, and the School of Dentistry’s Ida Gray Award.
Faculty Recognition Award

Anita Gonzalez is a director, choreographer and writer renowned for creating theatrical works that reveal historical and cross-cultural experiences of people of color. She also is a noted dance and theater scholar and an expert on African cultural influence on Latin American performance.
Gonzalez received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Florida State University, a Master of Arts degree from American University and her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She joined the U-M faculty in 2013.
Gonzalez wrote “Jarocho’s Soul: Cultural Identity and Afro-Mexican Dance” and “Afro-Mexico: Dancing Between Myth and Reality,” as well as co-edited “Black Performance Theory.” Her essays appear in multiple publications, including The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Theater and Theatre Research International.
Gonzalez’s recent projects include “The Living Lakes,” a dance-theater performance about the Great Lakes’ economies of labor and leisure; “Ybor City,” a musical about Cuban cigar rollers; and “Liverpool Trading,” a play about an Afro-Caribbean seeking her roots. Her work has been performed at New York City’s Dixon Place, Working Theater, HERE Arts Center, Tribeca Performing Arts Center and other venues.
Gonzalez created and leads U-M’s Global Theatre and Ethnic Studies minor and collaborates with the Office of Academic Innovation on the 19th Century Acts Tool, a digital resource featuring historical ephemeral acts. She is the founding director of Art Boundaries Unlimited Inc. and serves on the National Theatre Conference Executive Board and the U-M Press Executive Committee.
Gonzalez is an associate member of the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society and a member of the Dramatists Guild, the National Theatre Conference, the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, the American Society for Theatre Research, and the Society of Dance History Scholars. She has received several honors, including multiple Fulbright Senior Scholar Awards and U-M’s Shirley Verrett Award.
Faculty Recognition Award

Jennifer Ogilvie uses pioneering ultrafast spectroscopy and nonlinear microscopy methods to explore energy transfer in biological systems. Her discoveries, including the role that molecule vibrations play in the mechanics of photosynthesis, have significant practical applications for the development of alternative energy systems.
Ogilvie, a U-M faculty member since 2005, earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, a Master of Science degree from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia and a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto.
She uses two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy to measure the ultrafast complex electronic coupling that drives the energy transfer of photosynthesis. Ogilvie focuses on the ability of the photosystem II reaction center to convert solar energy into charge separation to split water. Ogilvie and her research group developed an ultrafast laser pulse experiment that can match the speed of these reactions. Using carefully timed sequences of ultrashort laser pulses, her team has initiated photosynthesis and taken snapshots of the process in real time. Ogilvie has authored or co-authored 39 articles and numerous conference papers, and holds one patent.
Ogilvie integrates the latest biophysical research and tools into her courses, has supervised 14 graduate students and 13 undergraduate students, and has served on 52 doctoral thesis committees.
Ogilvie, program chair for the 2016 International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, is general chair of the 2018 international conference. She also serves on the advisory boards of the Photosynthetic Antenna Research Center, a Department of Energy-funded Energy Frontier Research Center, and the Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics.
She is active in U-M’s Advance Program and is a leader in the Society of Women in Physics’ efforts to recruit women into the sciences through two U-M-hosted Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics. Among other honors, Ogilvie received the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award.
Faculty Recognition Award

Psychologist Stephanie Preston employs animal behavior studies, neuroimaging and research on human decision-making to examine how ancient neurobiological systems affect human behavior at the interface between cognition, emotion and motivation. Her research on the biological basis of empathy, altruism and the effects of emotion on decisions to consume and save resources is of translational importance across a range of disciplines.
Preston earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Virginia and a Master of Arts degree and Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. She joined the U-M faculty in 2005.
In her widely cited co-authored article “Empathy: Its ultimate and proximate bases,” Preston elucidates an ancient theory that people and animals can feel the state of others and, as a result, be motivated to help. Her research on how people process others’ emotions and use emotion to make decisions informs research on sustainability and clinical disorders like obsessive-compulsive behavior, hoarding disorder and depression. She co-authored “The Interdisciplinary Science of Consumption” and has published 47 articles in top journals. One of her theories concerning the evolution and biological mechanisms of altruism and heroism received the Society for Affective Neuroscience Innovation Award.
Preston teaches a range of courses and mentors students at all levels, including a large number of undergraduates who contribute to her team’s research. She co-chaired President Mark Schlissel’s Committee for the Culture of Sustainability and served on the committee to design U-M’s new School for Environment and Sustainability. She launched A2 Safe Transport to improve pedestrian safety and is a member of the Ann Arbor Transportation Commission.
Nationally, she serves on the editorial boards of top journals and organizes Association for Psychological Science workshops. She is a Distinguished Faculty Fellow at the Graham Sustainability Institute and was elected an American Psychological Society fellow in 2015.
Research Faculty Recognition Award

Behavioral scientist Inbal (Billie) Nahum-Shani is a world leader in the rapidly evolving field of adaptive interventions. Adaptive interventions use continuously updated information about a person to modify the type, timing, dose and delivery mode of support to address the individual’s needs sequentially over time. She develops organizing frameworks and research methodologies that are applicable to many areas of behavioral health research, including obesity, alcohol misuse and substance abuse.
Nahum-Shani earned Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees from Haifa University and a Ph.D. from Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. She joined the U-M Institute for Social Research in 2010.
In a series of studies focused on support, stress and well-being, Nahum-Shani provided new insights concerning conditions and contexts in which offering support benefits rather than undermines. Those discoveries motivate and inform her work on adaptive interventions. In addition to developing and implementing novel methodologies for constructing adaptive intervention, she is a leader in leveraging advances in mobile technology to construct just-in-time adaptive interventions. In these interventions, the real-time delivery of support is adapted to address conditions that change more rapidly, outside of standard treatment settings.
Nahum-Shani has mentored more than 17 undergraduates, graduate students, Ph.D. candidates and postdoctoral fellows. She frequently leads training and workshops, including at the Mobile Health (mHealth) Training Institute, funded by the National Institutes of Health. She also has coordinated and taught at the Survey Research Center Quantitative Methodology Program Seminar.
Nahum-Shani advises NIH-funded networks and centers and serves on the Dartmouth College Center for Technology and Behavioral Health advisory board. She is a reviewer for Biometrics, Clinical Trials, and Statistical Methods in Medical Research, among others, and in 2015, the Academy of Management presented her its outstanding reviewer award.
Research Faculty Achievement Award

Jingwen Hu is a global expert in injury biomechanics, human modeling and optimization of safety systems, particularly in vehicles. His interdisciplinary research, including parametric modeling, is revolutionizing the design of crash protection systems to reduce the incidence and severity of injuries in motor-vehicle crashes and other injurious events.
Hu earned Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from Tsinghua University in Beijing and a Ph.D. from Wayne State University. He joined the U-M Transportation Research Institute in 2008.
Hu’s advances in parametric modeling let designers quickly create data-driven human models that represent vehicle occupants of all ages, sizes and shapes, allowing the needs of a much wider range of people to be addressed. He also is leading efforts to improve the protection of many other special populations, including soldiers wearing body armor and gear in tactical vehicles, wheelchair users, pregnant occupants and children in various crash events. Parametric modeling also is used to help doctors ascertain if an injury is from an accident or abuse, and is expected to significantly impact many other fields.
Hu is the author of 56 journal articles and 45 conference papers, including two best paper award winners, two UMTRI Research Excellence Award winners and a Mimics Innovation Award winner.
Hu led a team of 14 undergraduates on a four-week trip to China to promote public awareness of traffic safety and two student teams that designed 3-D-printed prosthetic hands for children. He works extensively with graduate students and has hosted numerous visiting scholars.
Hu serves on multiple UMTRI committees and the International Research Council on Biomechanics Injury Scientific Review Committee. He edited the 2012 special issue “New Modeling Techniques of Material Properties and Geometrical Variations of Humans in Biomechanics” in Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, and is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and Society of Automotive Engineers.
Collegiate Research Professorship Award

Health services researcher Sarah Krein is renowned for the quantitative and qualitative methods and team-based science she uses to better understand and improve healthcare safety, quality and effectiveness. Drawing from her expertise in epidemiology, data analytics, health care economics and nursing, Krein’s research spans mixed-methods studies of infection prevention, provider communication and hospital resuscitation practices to novel approaches for managing chronic pain.
Krein holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the University of Mary in Bismarck, North Dakota, and a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. Prior to joining the U-M faculty in 1998, Krein was a critical care nurse and then a research health science specialist and research investigator at the Veterans Affairs (VA) Ann Arbor Health Services Research and Development Center of Innovation, where she co-directs the Clinical Research Mentorship Program and the center’s research core. In 2016, she received a VA Research Career Scientist Award, the VA’s highest recognition for a Ph.D. scientist.
Krein is a leader in the field of implementation science. Among other topics, she has researched the impact of chronic pain on the management of other medical conditions and strategies to prevent health care-related infections, such as catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI). Her findings resulted in a successful large-scale campaign to reduce CAUTI in hospitals nationwide. Krein has published more than 150 articles in a variety of journals, and she co-authored “Preventing Hospital Infections: Real-World Problems, Realistic Solutions.”
Krein has mentored more than 26 postdoctoral fellows. She serves on VA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study sections and advisory panels, the Implementation Science editorial board, and as a reviewer for several other journals. She is a member of U-M’s Institute for Health Policy and Innovation, the Department of Internal Medicine Review and Promotions Committee, and Sigma Theta Tau nursing honor society.
Regents’ Award for Distinguished Public Service

Cybersecurity expert Kevin Fu is known for his groundbreaking work on medical device security, which has motivated the government to improve federal policies ensuring safe and effective medical devices. Fu regularly advises federal agencies and national policymakers about computer security, and he designed the first course in the nation on medical device security.
Fu earned a Bachelor of Science degree, a Master of Engineering degree and his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He joined the U-M faculty in 2013. Eleven years ago, Fu began researching pacemaker security and hospital malware. Since then, he has testified before Congress multiple times and has briefed the White House, Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies on cybersecurity and privacy.
Fu serves on the leadership council of the Computing Community Consortium. His journal papers have earned awards from USENIX Security, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Symposium on Security and Privacy, and the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Data Communications. Fu directs the Archimedes Center for Medical Device Security and is a member of the university’s Information and Infrastructure Assurance Council. The holder of four patents, he co-founded Virta Labs Inc., which protects health care delivery organizations from cybersecurity risks.
Fu was named an MIT Technology Review TR35 Innovator of the Year in 2009. In 2013, he received the Fed 100 Award, which recognizes leaders in the federal government information technology community. As a member of the National Institute of Standards and Technology advisory board, he played a key role in communicating to federal agencies the governance structure and technology policy needed to improve medical device security.
Among other accolades, he has received a Sloan Research Fellowship, the endowed Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation Dwight D. Harken Memorial Lecture Award, the World Economic Forum Young Scientist Award, and the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award.
University of Michigan Press Book Award

In “Queer Roots for the Diaspora, Ghosts in the Family Tree,” scholar Jarrod Hayes examines the desire for a rooted identity. Combining queer and deconstructive reading methodologies, he offers multiple examples of alternative roots, including Caribbean mangroves, representations of same-sex desire in African literatures, the Jewish literature of North Africa, and reconsiderations of the foundational role of the Armenian genocide.
He also revisits where he grew up — Booger Hollar, North Carolina — and shares his family’s stories and history. He notes that these various narratives welcome sexual diversity and acknowledge that a collective identity can be rooted in multiple ways and challenge the patrilineal lines often implied by roots.
Hayes, a U-M faculty member since 1996, earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Emory University and a Master of Arts degree and Ph.D. from The City University of New York.
“Queer Roots” builds upon his earlier book, “Queer Nations: Marginal Sexualities in the Maghreb,” a postcolonial study that examines how Francophone novelists from the Maghreb imagined a diverse, inclusive nation of people who previously had been excluded by the dominant political discourses. Hayes has published 33 essays and book chapters and has presented 45 invited lectures and 41 papers at scholarly meetings.
Hayes teaches a broad range of courses, has directed 15 dissertations and served on 19 other dissertation committees. He has served on several bodies, including the Senate Assembly, the Institute for the Humanities graduate student fellowship selection committee and the Fulbright Program Campus Evaluation Committee. He is a member of the Romance Notes editorial board and the French Forum external editorial committee, and reviews manuscripts for Québec Studies, Comparative Studies in Society and History, and the University of Wisconsin Press.
Hayes has received the Michigan Humanities Award, U-M’s Institute for the Humanities and Global Ethnic Literatures Seminar fellowships, and fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
University Librarian Achievement Award

Marisa Conte is an expert in the use of informatics to advance translational research, and partners with researchers in the health sciences and other disciplines to manage and share research data. She promotes efforts on campus and in the broader scientific community to advance the ethical and responsible care and use of animals used in research.
Conte earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from U-M and a Master of Library and Information Science degree from Wayne State University. She joined the university’s faculty in 2008.
After learning about researchers’ information needs by embedding herself in laboratory operations, Conte developed solutions, from a web portal to a database to track stem cell inventory. She has received funding from the National Library of Medicine to explore collaborative data management in developing countries and to develop procedures and a training curriculum to propagate good data management practices. Conte’s publication record includes two co-authored chapters in the textbook “Swine in the Laboratory.” She is the author or co-author of 13 journal articles and edited “Translating Expertise: Librarians in the Translational Research Enterprise.”
Conte lectures in health sciences curricula and in postgraduate training programs, including the Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation’s Clinician Scholars Program. She led the team that developed and launched the Taubman Health Sciences Library’s Systematic Review Workshop for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine for the Greater Midwest Region.
Conte serves on the NLM Literature Selection Technical Review Committee and U-M’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. She is a convener for the Medical Library Association’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Special Interest Group, and serves on the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs’ Research Policies and Information Technology committees. She is a member of the Research Administrative Advisory Council’s Faculty Advisory Council.
Conte is a member of Beta Phi Mu and received Wayne State’s Patricia B. Knapp Award.
University Librarian Recognition Award

Librarian and educator Jo Angela Oehrli is known for her energy and relentless pursuit of best instructional practices, whether collaborating with librarians, other faculty members or students.
Oehrli received a Bachelor of Arts degree and a secondary education certificate from Western Michigan University, and a Master of Science in Information degree from U-M. She joined the Shapiro Undergraduate Library in 2009.
As a learning librarian, Oehrli teaches one-on-one, small groups and large classes. She has accelerated transformation of the library’s instruction program with her vision that supports students asking questions, thinking through complex issues, discovering new ways to approach topics, and creating meaning from disparate facts. Oehrli creates online learning tools, works with faculty to integrate library instruction into their curricula, and prepares instructional materials that enrich the undergraduate experience. She teaches two courses about digital research in LSA and has taught about information literacy for teaching and learning in the School of Information.
A children’s literature specialist, Oehrli selects materials for the library’s Children’s Literature Collection and provides instructional support to the children’s literature community across campus. As chair of the University Library’s Instructor College, Oehrli updated content to reflect trends in higher education and library instruction. She also proposed and led the first Michigan Instruction Exchange (MIX), a statewide professional development program for instruction librarians.
Oehrli is co-principal investigator on a project that seeks to build the capacity of high school librarians to teach data literacy concepts, and she has published or presented 10 co-authored papers and written two children’s books.
Oehrli serves on multiple library committees and has chaired the library’s Online Learning Task Force and Instruction Assessment Committees. She has served as a conflict resolution officer for the Office of Student Conflict Resolution. Oehrli is active in regional and national library communities and recently won the 2017 Library Instruction Round Table’s national Librarian Recognition Award.
Distinguished Diversity Scholar Career Award

Social scientist James Jackson is renowned for his pioneering research on the influence of race on the lives and health of African Americans, including his National Survey of Black Americans and National Survey of American Life, considered the most extensive social, mental and physical health survey of the U.S black population.
Jackson earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Michigan State University, a Master of Arts degree from the University of Toledo and his Ph.D. from Wayne State University. He joined the U-M faculty in 1971, and established the Program for Research on Black Americans in 1976.
The National Survey of Black Americans, which included the first national probability sample of black households, moved race and health scholarship away from studying similarities and differences between blacks and whites toward examining racial group differences through the lens of history and social structures.
Jackson also is recognized for his research on minority aging and is a founding member of the MacArthur Foundation Aging Society Research Network. Through his teaching and mentoring, Jackson has increased the number of scholars and researchers from diverse backgrounds in political science, psychology, public health and sociology.
Jackson is a member of the National Science Board and a past president of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues and the Consortium of Social Science Associations. He also has been designated to serve on the National Institutes of Health National Advisory Council on Minority Health and Health Disparities. He chaired the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine’s Committee on the Methodological Research Program for Longitudinal Studies on Aging, and has served on numerous editorial boards and U-M search advisory committees.
Jackson is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the National Academy of Medicine. Among his honors, he received the American Psychiatric Association Solomon Carter Fuller Award, the New York Academy of Medicine Medal for Distinguished Contributions in Biomedical Sciences, the American Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Service to Psychological Science, the Harold R. Johnson Diversity Service Award and U-M’s Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award.
Bicentennial Faculty Governance Lifetime Achievement Award

Developmental molecular neurobiologist and cancer biologist Kate Barald began contributing to U-M faculty governance soon after joining the faculty in 1981. In 2010, she was elected to the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, which she chaired in 2011 and 2012.
Renowned as a researcher and role model, Barald has strengthened U-M’s research community with her leadership, teaching and mentoring of young scientists at all levels, especially women and students from diverse backgrounds.
Barald earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Bryn Mawr College and a Master of Science degree and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. At U-M, she studies the neurodevelopment of sensory systems and uses that knowledge to engineer the replacement of inner ear neurons and sensory cells. She is developing new cancer therapeutic drugs with University of Oxford colleagues.
Since being elected to Senate Assembly in 1982, Barald has represented faculty interests on several groups, including the Financial Affairs, Academic Affairs Advisory, Research Policies and Tenure committees. She chaired the Biomedical Research Council and served on the Medical School Executive Committee and the Rackham Graduate School’s Executive Board, Grievance Board and Faculty Allies committees.
She designed and directed U-M’s Research Responsibility and Ethics Programs in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines since 1997. Since 2008, she has directed the U-M Post-Baccalaureate Research and Education Program, which prepares underrepresented students to pursue doctorates in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields. She represents U-M at the National Science Foundation Alliances for Graduate Education and Professoriate, has advised U-M’s Women in Science Program for 35 years and serves on the steering committee of the Michigan chapter of the Edward Bouchet Society.
Barald received two Fulbright Senior Fellowships and U-M’s Distinguished Faculty Recognition, Elizabeth Crosby, and Sarah Goddard Power awards. She also received the inaugural Rackham Graduate Mentoring Award, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Outstanding Research Mentor Award and the School of Dentistry’s Instructor of the Year Award seven times.
Bicentennial Faculty Governance Lifetime Achievement Award

Otolaryngologist Charles Koopmann is highly regarded at U-M and nationally for his leadership, research, contributions to national health care payment policies and the care he has provided to thousands of patients, especially children. Before retiring, he devoted many hours to faculty governance, including serving on the Advisory Board on Intercollegiate Athletics, Senate Assembly, and SACUA.
Koopmann earned a Bachelor of Science degree and his medical degree from Northwestern University, a Master of Science degree from the University of Iowa and a Master of Health Services Administration degree from U-M. He joined U-M’s faculty in 1986.
Under Koopmann’s leadership as director of the Pediatric Division of the Department of Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery, the division became renowned for exceptional patient care, teaching and fellowship training. He also chaired the Department of Otolaryngology Promotions and Tenure Committee and served on the Medical School Faculty Group Practice board of directors. He is a past president of the Michigan Otolaryngology Society, Washtenaw County Medical Society, and Society of Ear, Nose, and Throat Advances in Children (SENTAC). Koopmann helped develop Harvard University’s Resource-Based Relative Value Scale (RVS) for physician services and served on the American Medical Association RVS Update Committee.
Koopmann served three terms on Senate Assembly and two on SACUA, which he chaired from 2002-04. He served on the Student Relations Advisory Committee from 2004-15, chairing the group from 2006-10. He was a member of the Academic Affairs Advisory Committee for 12 years, chairing it in 2000 and 2001. He also served on the Budget Study Committee, Committee on the Economic Status of the Faculty, and Long Term Disability Task Force.
Koopmann is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons, American Academy of Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery, American Society for Head and Neck Surgery, and SENTAC. He received several American Academy of Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery Foundation citations for meritorious service.
Bicentennial Faculty Governance Lifetime Achievement Award

Statistician Edward Rothman has contributed to the vitality of the U-M community through his scholarship, teaching and leadership. He chaired the Senate Assembly and SACUA in 2010 and 2011.
After earning a Bachelor of Science degree from McGill University and a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University, Rothman joined U-M’s faculty in 1969.
He chaired the statistics department from 1983 to 1989, created core undergraduate statistics courses and founded U-M’s Applied Master’s Program in Statistics. Rothman introduced system thinking to a new generation of students through his popular course Problem Solving: A Systems Approach. He authored or co-authored more than 100 scientific publications and two textbooks.
Rothman served on SACUA from 2009-12 and as a faculty representative to the Advisory Board on Intercollegiate Athletics from 2011-14. He chaired U-M’s Athletic Advising Committee, which issued what became known as the Rothman Report in 2009. The report recommended the university provide more academic opportunities for student athletes and strengthen its advising programs. In 2011, he joined President Mary Sue Coleman and Provost Philip Hanlon in issuing a statement affirming U-M’s commitment to academic freedom.
Rothman founded and directed Consulting for Statistics, Computing & Analytics Research from 1991 to 2011. The center provides U-M researchers with guidance and training for data management, collection and analysis. Under his leadership, CSCAR expanded the application of statistics across a broad spectrum of disciplines from the sciences to the humanities, and established itself as a trusted and valuable campus resource. Among other honors, Rothman received U-M’s Distinguished Service Award and LSA Distinguished Teaching Awards in 1991, 1992 and 1994.
Bicentennial Faculty Governance Lifetime Achievement Award

Historian and research integrity expert Nicholas Steneck has exemplified the role faculty can play in governance through his efforts to deepen understanding and preserve U-M history, develop innovative academic programs, and promote responsible research practices at the university and internationally.
Steneck earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Rutgers University and a Master of Arts degree and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He joined the university faculty in 1970.
His scholarly writings ranged from a synthesis of early modern science to a critique of modern science policy. His textbook, the “ORI Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research,” is used globally for teaching responsible research practices. Steneck directed the LSA Medieval and Renaissance Collegium and co-founded the Collegiate Institute for Values and Science. He served as LSA’s representative to and later co-directed the Integrated Premedical-Medical Program. His 1991 report, “Faculty Governance at the University of Michigan,” provided a foundation for rethinking the role of faculty in university governance.
Steneck’s efforts to preserve and celebrate U-M’s history began with the successful effort to save the Detroit Observatory. He co-founded the university’s Historical Center for the Health Sciences, and he and his wife edited and updated “The Making of the University of Michigan 1817-1992.”
In the early 1980s, Steneck chaired U-M’s Task Force on Integrity in Scholarship and later the Public Health Service Advisory Committee on Research Integrity. Beginning in 2000, as a government consultant to the U.S. Office of Research Integrity, he co-chaired a series of national research integrity conferences and founded the World Conferences on Research Integrity. He initiated and co-authored the first international code of conduct for research, the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity, and the recent call for action to improve integrity in research in the Amsterdam Agenda. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Jackie Lawson Memorial Faculty Governance Award

John Ellis has contributed significantly to U-M faculty governance since joining the UM-Flint faculty in 2002. He recently completed a three-year term as UM-Flint’s representative to Senate Assembly.
Ellis earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Eastern Michigan University, a Master of Arts degree from Aberystwyth University in Wales and a Ph.D. from Boston College. He currently serves on the Senate Assembly’s Tri-Campus Governance Task Force, which will make recommendations about faculty governance relationships at U-M, UM-Dearborn, and UM-Flint.
As part of his efforts to align and strengthen faculty governance, Ellis has brought issues for consideration to the UM-Flint Faculty Council, including a proposal to recognize the Dearborn and Flint governing faculties as Senate Assembly subsidiaries, which could lead to a single faculty governance system.
As chair of the Department of History from 2008-12, Ellis established an internship program with the Buick Club of America and Sloan Museum. He founded the department’s annual history quiz night, advises UM-Flint’s History Club and twice has organized and led the department’s annual Wyatt Exploration Program, which focuses on the history and culture of a specific place or historical topic. The endowed program features affiliated course offerings, extracurricular events and a competition to participate in a university-funded student travel expedition. As the Wyatt fellow, Ellis organized “London: World City” in 2015-16 and “Wales: Land of the Red Dragon” in 2012-13.
Among other leadership roles, Ellis has served on UM-Flint’s International Travel Advisory Committee, International and Global Studies Program Committee, Lecturers’ Employee Review Committee, Library Committee, Honor’s Council, and College of Arts and Science Curriculum Committee. He also is a member of the editorial boards of The North American Journal of Welsh History and Welsh History Review.
Madena Stew
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Madena Stew
I am glad that I got this list of 31 members who were honoured with scholarship service and i got the chance to read about them. This particular blog got my attention because i have also filled the scholarship form at ELK Asia Pacific Journals which is one of the most reputed Asia pacific journal and if everything goes well i’ll be able to pursue my PhD with the help of scholarship.