The Institute for the Humanities has awarded fellowships to nine faculty members and eight graduate students to support research projects they will pursue during 2016-17.
The fellows and the topics of their research projects are:
Clare Croft
Matthew Hull
Marjorie Levinson
Douglas Northrup
Xiomara Santamarina
Perrin Selcer
Mrinalini Sinha
Claire Zimmerman
Cassius Adair
Kyle Grady
Adriana Heredia
Emily Macgillivray
Christine Sargent
Ben Strassfeld
Emma Thomas
Lia Wolock
James Cogswell, Charles P. Brauer Fellow, professor of art and design, “Cosmogonic Tattoos.”
Clare Croft, Norman and Jane Katz Fellow, assistant professor of music, “A Different Kind of Lady: Jill Johnston’s Political Embodiments of Dance Criticism and Feminism.”
Matthew Hull, John Rich Fellow, associate professor of anthropology, “Incorporation: Capitalism and Collective Life.”
Marjorie Levinson, Hunting Family Fellow, professor of English language and literature, “Field Theories of Form: Philosophy, Science, Poetry.”
Douglas Northrop, Helmut Stern Fellow, professor of Near Eastern studies and history, “Four Days That Shook the World: Earthquakes and Empire Along the Eurasian Frontier.”
Xiomara Santamarina, Hunting Family Fellow, associate professor of Afroamerican literature, English language and literature, and American culture, “Modernities Past: Redefining Modernity in 19th-Century African America.”
Perrin Selcer, Norman and Jane Katz Fellow, assistant professor of history and Program in the Environment, “Constructing Spaceship Earth.”
Mrinalini Sinha, Helmut Stern Fellow, professor of women’s studies, English language and literature, and history, “Complete Political Independence: The Curious Genealogy of a Nationalist Indian Demand.”
Claire Zimmerman, Steelcase Fellow, associate professor of history of art and of architecture, “Albert Kahn in Detroit, 1890-1945.”
Graduate students
Cassius Adair, James Winn Graduate Fellow, English, “Trans-Documented: State Identification, Identity Formation and Transgender Cultural Critique.”
Kyle Grady, Early Modern Conversions Graduate Fellow, English, “Moors, Mulattos, and Post-Racial Perceptions: Reconstructing Racialization in Early Modern England.”
Adriana Carolina Heredia, Mary Fair Croushore Graduate Fellow, music composition, “Ausencias.”
Emily Macgillivray, Cody Engle Graduate Fellow, American culture, “I do not know any such woman: Native Women Traders’ Property and Self-Determination in the Great Lakes from 1740 to 1840.”
Christine Sargent, Marc and Constance Jacobson Graduate Fellow, anthropology, “Ambivalant Inheritance: Down Syndrome and the Ethics of Kinship in Amman, Jordan.”
Ben Strassfeld, David and Mary Hunting Graduate Fellow, screen arts and cultures, “The Detroit Model: Regulating Race and Pornography, 1950-1979.”
Emma Thomas, Mary Fair Croushore Graduate Fellow, history and German, “Contested Labors: New Guinean Women and the German Colonial Indenture, 1884-1921.”
Lia Wolock, James Winn Graduate Fellow, communication studies, “Producing South Asian America: Community, Digital Media & Connectivity.”