Plans for a new transportation operations and maintenance facility on North Campus took another step forward Thursday as the Board of Regents approved the schematic design.
The $38.5 million, 100,000-square-foot building will be located near Dean Road between Baxter and Hubbard roads, relocating from Kipke Drive on the Stephen M. Ross Athletic Campus.
The new operations and maintenance facility will accommodate current and future maintenance space needs, including the flexibility to handle larger articulated buses. It also will house heavy-equipment maintenance operations that are currently in a separate building.

“Our goal is to continue to help Parking & Transportation Services meet its safety operational efficiency and sustainability needs,” said Steve Dolen, executive director of Parking & Transportation Services.
“The new location will save approximately $400,000 per year in operating expenses by reducing miles buses spend out of service to get onto established bus routes and improving operational efficiency.”
Additionally, there will be no expansion of bus traffic onto Green Road as a result of the new facility.
Since the current building was constructed in 1974, the university’s bus fleet has grown by approximately 45 percent, and the number of vehicles it operates has grown nearly 140 percent and its driver staff has doubled.
The new facility will meet current guidelines for vehicle maintenance facilities, including improved vehicle circulation and appropriate work zones for improved safety.
The facility also allows Parking & Transportation Services to maintain and operate larger articulated buses to move more passengers in one trip, which helps to meet its sustainability goals of less greenhouse gas emissions and fewer passenger trips.
Departing the current site will make available nearly 185 spaces on the Ross Athletic Campus for commuters and event parking.
Construction is scheduled to be completed in the fall of 2017.
Robert S.
Oh for want of an editor. Baster Road should read Baxter Road, lest folks map searches fail.
With respect to the larger articulated buses and no expansion of bus traffic onto Green Road, egress to Huron Parkway, a median divided 4lane road, via Baxter will be entertaining to say the least, what with the second half of the bus hanging out in to on-coming traffic. I certainly hope they will use Hubbard for their preferred route.
It would have been also fair to mention that the NC Facilities Services Building (2506) on Baxter Road already services shuttle busses. What will be the disposition of that facility, merge/repurpose or sustain?
James Iseler
Thanks for pointing out the typo in Baxter Road. It has been fixed in the story.
David Humphries
Where to begin…. Extremely poor choice of location for an industrial complex in the middle of a residential neighborhood with nearly round the clock operations. Shame on you University of Michigan for your lack of forethought and lack neighborliness. Find a different location.
David Humphries
#A2NeighborsMatter #nobusyardhere
Paul Straka
This facility has no place near residential neighborhoods. Would you place near student dorms / housing? Please halt this process immediately so a more comprehensive review can take place.