Representatives from the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Education will be on the Ann Arbor campus the week of April 14 as part of a review of the university’s sexual misconduct policies and programs under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
All students, faculty and staff are encouraged to share input during the visit, says Anthony Walesby, the university’s Title IX coordinator. He also encourages students and university employees to learn more about the university’s policy on sexual misconduct by students online.
“There you will find valuable information about sexual misconduct, support services, questions and answers and details on how to report an incident,” says Walesby, who also is associate vice provost for academic and faculty affairs and senior director of the U-M Office for Institutional Equity.
In addition to hosting several meetings with various student groups, the Office for Civil Rights staff will have open office hours for any member of the university community at these times:
• April 15, 8-9 p.m. in the Blain Room of the Michigan Union.
• April 16, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and 8-9 p.m. in Room 2105D of the Michigan Union.
• April 17, 9 a.m.-noon in Room 2105D of the Michigan Union.
In addition, anyone may offer input by email until May 15 by sending a message to [email protected], or by calling 216-522-4970 and asking to speak to a member of the University of Michigan OCR review team (OCR #15-14-2111).
According to Walesby, participation is completely voluntary and the identity of individual participants will not be disclosed. In addition to the university’s website regarding sexual misconduct, additional information about OCR and its Title IX and sexual misconduct work can be found online.
Walesby says the university has taken several steps over the years to ensure U-M’s approach to sexual misconduct among students is fair, equitable, thorough and consistent with Title IX and the university’s core values.
“I hope you will find time to share your thoughts and insights during this review,” he says.