As the university continues to move out of its pandemic-imposed restrictions, construction on major projects is picking up around campus. Here’s a look at major projects underway.

Taubman Biomedical Science Research Building Vivarium expansion
Budget: $19 million
Construction start: Winter 2020
Estimated construction completion: Winter 2022
Project at a glance: The Medical School will finish approximately 20,000 gross square feet of the remaining shelled space, expanding the existing vivarium to address current and forecasted growth and to accommodate the relocation of germ-free vivarium functions from the Life Sciences Institute to BSRB.

Central Campus Classroom Building and Alexander G. Ruthven Building renovation
Budget: $150 million
Construction start: Fall 2018
Estimated construction completion: Fall 2021
Project at a glance: Demolition of the 1964 addition to the Ruthven building, to be replaced with approximately 100,000 gross square feet for active learning classrooms, including an auditorium that will seat approximately 550 students, with total classroom capacity exceeding 1,400 students. The 1928 Ruthven building, approximately 135,000 gross square feet, will be renovated for dry laboratory computational research space, a multipurpose room, and central administration offices currently in the Fleming Administration Building.

Central Power Plant 13,200-volt switchgear upgrade
Budget: $23 million
Construction start: Fall 2019
Estimated construction completion: Fall 2021
Project at a glance: Replacement of switchgear components with an integrated ring system utilizing the latest technology, increasing reliability and system safety and improving worker safety. A power preservation system will benefit critical hospital and research operations with the capability to maintain generated electric and steam supply during a disruption or loss of external utility provided electricity.
Central Power Plant expansion
Budget: $80 million
Construction start: Spring 2019
Estimated construction completion: Fall 2021
Project at a glance: The Central Power Plant will be expanded to enhance power reliability and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in accordance with a recommendation by the 2015 President’s Committee on Greenhouse Gas Reduction. The project calls for the addition of a 15-megawatt combustion turbine to increase energy-generation capacity on campus and reduce the amount of utility-generated, coal-based electricity U-M purchases.

Dean Road Transportation Facility
Budget: $39 million
Construction start: Winter 2021
Estimated construction completion: Summer 2022
Project at a glance: A new, approximately 70,000-gross-square-foot operations and maintenance building that can accommodate larger articulated buses, and heavy equipment, and meet current safety guidelines for vehicle maintenance, circulation and appropriate work zones. The design will include the capability to maintain electric buses for sustainability improvements if desired in the future. The new location is expected to save approximately $100,000 per year from increased bus operational efficiency.

Dental School and W.K. Kellogg Institute Building expansion and renovation
Budget: $140 million
Construction start: Fall 2018
Estimated construction completion: Spring 2022
Project at a glance: The renovation will address deferred maintenance, including exterior envelope repairs and life safety, electrical, mechanical and plumbing system improvements. The project includes an addition of 48,000 gross square feet and the renovation of 176,000 gross square feet to create a more welcoming, accessible facility with an improved patient entrance and modern teaching clinics. Open, flexible research space will be created along with a new special needs/inter-professional care clinic.

Michigan Medicine Clinical Inpatient Tower
(The Pavilion at University of Michigan Health)
Budget: $920 million
Construction start: Spring 2021
Estimated construction completion: Spring 2025
Project at a glance: The 690,000-gross-square-foot Clinical Inpatient Tower project accommodates an inpatient care program with 264 single-occupancy patient rooms and 23 surgical/interventional radiology suites. This patient care expansion supports the clinical strategy of Michigan Medicine, increasing capacity to accommodate tertiary and quaternary care needs. Specifically, the patient program emphasizes improved access to clinical neurosciences and cardiac care services.

Michigan Medicine Clinical Pathology relocation and renovations
Budget: $160 million
Construction start: Summer 2016
Estimated construction completion: North Campus Research Complex, Summer 2019; University Hospital and University Hospital South, Fall 2023
Project at a glance: Pathology laboratories currently located within University Hospital, University Hospital South, Medical Science Unit I, North Ingalls Building and in leased space will be relocated to NCRC Buildings 30, 35, 36 and 60. The Michigan Medical Genetics Laboratory of the Department of Pediatrics will also be relocated to NCRC. Laboratories at University Hospital and University Hospital South will be renovated. In total, approximately 186,000 gross square feet of space will be renovated.