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Coming Events

  • Apr 23

    A view from Kyiv

    Sixth Annual Arthur Vandenberg Lecture, with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink; 4-6 p.m.; Weill Hall, Annenberg Auditorium

  • Apr 24

    Shared Memories

    Second annual community commemoration of the anniversary of the 1915 Armenian Genocide; 3-5 p.m.; Weiser Hall, Room 1010

  • Apr 25

    Remote Work and City Structure

    With Esteban Rossi-Hansberg of The University of Chicago; 11:30 a.m.-12:50 p.m.; Lorch Hall, Room 201

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A photo of Trisha Miller
“Music is very, very important to me. It’s a big part of my life. So, I feel really fortunate that I get to be involved in this.”

— Trisha Miller, student services coordinator at the Marsal Family School of Education who has been a member of the Out Loud Chorus for nearly 20 years

Read more about Trisha Miller

It Happened at Michigan

A photo of William McKinley

College Republicans and their U-M roots

In mid-May of 1892, hundreds of students from universities around the country gathered on the University of Michigan campus. When the students departed late that evening, it was as the newly christened American Republican College League, a national political group that continues today as the College Republicans.

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Michigan in the news

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    • Kendrin Sonneville

    “Unfortunately, I have seen parents try to support their child through experiences of weight-based bullying by suggesting that they try to ‘eat healthier’ or ‘lose some weight.’ Young people, no matter what their body size, do not deserve to be ridiculed or mistreated because of their weight,” said Kendrin Sonneville, associate professor of nutritional sciences.

    • Katya Gozman

    “Different telescopes have filters that are made to be sensitive to only certain wavelengths of light. We can assign each filter to a separate color channel. … When stacked on top of each other, we get the spectacular textbook color image that we’re used to seeing in the media,” said Katya Gozman, doctoral student in astronomy, on how scientists make vibrant spectacles out of grayscale blobs in space telescope images.

    Popular Science
    • Catherine Hausman

    “The idea that we should retire (the term ‘clean energy’) because no energy is totally clean is just ridiculous,” said Catherine Hausman, associate professor of public policy, who notes that concerns about environmental damage from mining are important to consider, but they pale in comparison to the damage from extracting, refining and burning fossil fuels.

    Fast Company